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Filmovi na, sortirano po IMDB ocjeni, stranica 1019

  • Našli smo 13333 rezultata.
  • Žanr: triler
  • The Sender

    The Sender (1998)

    akcija, znanstvena fantastika, triler

    Bermudski trokut, u kojem su bez traga nestali toliki brodovi i avioni jedan je od najvećih svjetskih misterija. U ovome uzbudljivom znanstveno-fantastičnom filmu, s Michaelom Madsenom u glavnoj...
  • The Void

    The Void (2001)

    znanstvena fantastika, triler

    A ruthless CEO holds a whistle blower captive when she tries to stop a top-secret particle acceleration experiment she fears may create a black hole on earth.
  • They Are Among Us

    They Are Among Us (2004)

    znanstvena fantastika, triler

    The film is about a town that is populated by aliens who have been pretending to be human for a long time in order to steal the earth's resources they need to live when the time comes.
  • Tschiller: Off Duty

    Tschiller: Off Duty (2016)

    komedija, akcija, triler

    Ćerka Nemačkog agenta kriminalne policije želi da se osveti ubici njene majke, te tajno kontaktira očevog špijuna turske kriminalne organizacije! Plan ne uspeva i Nik se brine gde je nestala. Ubrzo...
  • Under Pressure

    Under Pressure (2000)

    akcija, triler

    Akcijski triler o otuđenim mladim supružnicima koji su na putovanju u Grčkoj igrom slučaja uvučeni u otmicu putničkog broda koji prevozi skupocjenu grčku relikviju. John Spencer (Rob Lowe) požrtvovni...
  • Unholy

    Unholy (2007)

    znanstvena fantastika, triler, horor

    Martha, a widow living in rural Pennsylvania, comes home to find her daughter about to blow her own head off with a shotgun in the basement of their house. Martha doesn't succeed in stopping her...
  • Way of the Wicked

    Way of the Wicked (2014)

    fantazija, triler

    Father Henry goes to a local police detective and they learn that a troubled teen with a dark past has recently moved to town and has set his sights on the cop's beautiful, young daughter. Father...
  • 47 Hours

    47 Hours (2019)


    Two socially awkward teenage girls are bored one night and turn to the internet for scary stories. They find a game on a creepy website that claims you can use your phone to summon the supernatural...
  • A Clear Shot

    A Clear Shot (2019)

    drama, triler

    Popularna prodavnica elektronske opreme zapada u haos, nakon što u nju upadaju četiri mlada Vijetnamijca i uzimaju taoce. Ono što je počelo kao običan dan pretvara se u najveću talačku krizu u...
  • A Cry from Within

    A Cry from Within (2014)

    misterij, triler, horor

    Priča o tome kako mračne tajne uništavaju ljude i njihove porodice iznutra…
  • A Sister's Secret

    A Sister's Secret (2009)

    drama, misterij, triler

    Katherine (A. Paul) je uspješna mlada poslovna žena. Radi za oca, tvorničara. Kad se zbog krize mora zatvoriti jedna od njihovih tvornica, tvornica papira u njezinom rodnom gradu, Katherine osmisli...
  • Anthropophagous 2000

    Anthropophagous 2000 (1999)

    triler, horor

    A group of friends stumble onto the killing grounds of a cannibalistic loner who then mercilessly stalks down the party, one-by-one. When only a small group remains, they decide to take a stand...

