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Filmovi na, stranica 2152

  • Našli smo 36683 rezultata.
  • Žanr: drama
  • Salmonberries

    Salmonberries (1991)


    Katzebu je mlada Eskimka bez pravog identiteta. Kao beba pronađena je ostavljena u kutiji, a sada se kao odrasla izdaje za muškarca i radi u naftovodu na Aljasci. U potrazi za informacijom koja bi...
  • Sangatsu no raion

    Sangatsu no raion (1991)


    Set in Tokyo, Ice brings her amnesiac older brother Haruo home from the hospital to care for him. He is reluctant to go, until Ice tells him that she is his lover. Since he has no memory of his...
  • Sarah, Plain and Tall

    Sarah, Plain and Tall (1991)

    drama, obiteljski, ljubavni

    Kansas leta 1910. Jacob Witting je ovdoveli kmetovalec, ki se čedalje bolj zaveda, da ne zmore opraviti vsega dela na kmetiji in obenem skrbeti za svoja dva otroka. Zato se odloči, da si bo poiskal...
  • Satana

    Satana (1991)

    drama, triler

    Ne baš mentalno zdrav mladić Vitalij, kidnapuje i ubija ćerku poznate pozorišne glumice, što ga ne sprečava da od nesrećne porodice traži otkup. Dok čeka da mu novac bude isplaćen, zabavlja se tako...
  • Schastlivye dni

    Schastlivye dni (1991)


    Prvi dugometražni film Alekseja Balabanova. U maniru teatra apsurda, radnja se vrti oko neznanca kog otpuštaju iz bolnice sa zamotanim temenom na koje stavlja šešir koji nikako neće da skine. Čovek...
  • Scorchers

    Scorchers (1991)

    drama, komedija

    U Bajuu La Tek u Lujzijani sve vri jer ovaj kajunski grad slavi venčanje Splendid i Dolana. Nevolje nastaju tokom svadbene noći kada Splendid ostaje odlučna da sačuva svoju nevinost. Na drugoj strani...
  • Separate But Equal

    Separate But Equal (1991)

    drama, povijesni

    This film follows the true story of the NAACP court court challenge of racial school segregation in the Brown vs. Board of Education. This was the struggle would destroy the legal validity for racial...
  • Shakes the Clown

    Shakes the Clown (1991)

    drama, kriminalistički, komedija

    Shakes plods about his duties as party clown, and uses all of his free time getting seriously drunk. Binky, another clown, wins the spot on a local kiddie show, which depresses Shakes even more, and...
  • Shattered

    Shattered (1991)

    drama, kriminalistički, misterij, triler

    Uspešnom preduzetniku ostaje samo nada da će rekonstruisati svoj život onako kako su hirurzi rekonstruisali njegovo telo.
  • She Says She's Innocent

    She Says She's Innocent (1991)


    Three teenage girlfriends get into a fight. Accidentally one of them gets killed. The two remaining girls promise each other to keep silent. As the police get more and more suspicious, the mother of...
  • Sherlock Holmes and the Leading Lady

    Sherlock Holmes and the Leading Lady (1991)

    drama, kriminalistički, misterij, triler

    1910. Mycroft Holmes asks his brother Sherlock & Dr. Watson to travel to Viena and find the stolen plans & prototype for an electro-magnetic bomb detonator. Once there, they are reunited with Irene...
  • Shoot First: A Cop's Vengeance

    Shoot First: A Cop's Vengeance (1991)

    drama, kriminalistički

    A San Antonio, Texas policeman must stop his best friend, a fellow officer turned vigilante.

