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Filmovi na, stranica 107

  • Našli smo 3665 rezultata.
  • Žanr: kratki
  • Tales of the Black Freighter

    Tales of the Black Freighter (2009)

    animirani, kratki, akcija, avantura, horor

    A mariner survives an attack from the dreaded pirates of the Black Freighter, but his struggle to return home to warn it has a horrific cost.
  • The Butterfly Circus

    The Butterfly Circus (2009)

    drama, kratki

    Mali putujući cirkus obilazi Ameriku u vreme Velike ekonomske krize početkom tridesetih godina dvadesetog veka pružajući napaćenom narodu malo vedrine i razonode. U jednom mestu nailaze na čoveka bez...
  • The Cats

    The Cats (2009)

    kriminalistički, misterij, kratki, triler

    Story of a private eye whose life takes a dangerous turn when he is blackmailed by a mysterious witness to one of his crimes.
  • The Choice

    The Choice (2009)

    drama, kratki

    'The Choice' tells the story of Tiffany Wilkinson who, while married to an older and wealthy business man, starts seeing her former fiancé from her college days. He has come back into her life after...
  • The Great Flood

    The Great Flood (2009)

    drama, kratki, dokumentarni

    For thousands of years the Kawesqar people of southern Patagonia believed that their world was created after a catastrophic great flood. Today only 14 Kawesqar remain. The Great Flood recounts this...
  • The Gruffalo

    The Gruffalo (2009)

    animirani, kratki, obiteljski

    Threatened in turn by a fox, an owl and a snake, a little mouse scares them all off by claiming he is waiting for his monstrous friend the Gruffalo. He believes the Gruffalo does not exist but it...
  • The Hunt for Gollum

    The Hunt for Gollum (2009)

    kratki, akcija, fantazija, avantura

    The great events of the war of the ring are about to unfold and the priority for Strider and Gandalf is to keep the Ring secret. Sauron is preparing to unleash his armies and Gollum is creeping...
  • The Kinematograph

    The Kinematograph (2009)

    drama, animirani, kratki

    A 19th-century inventor is close to perfecting motion pictures but doesn't want to reveal his invention to the public until he can show films with sound and color.
  • The Moon

    The Moon (2009)

    drama, kratki

    The Moon is the 18th card in the Major Arcana. Commonly representing confusion, a psychological conflict, lack of clarity or worry. This is an interpretation of the card, represented through Erin.
  • The New Tenants

    The New Tenants (2009)

    drama, kriminalistički, kratki, komedija

    A prying neighbor, a glassy-eyed drug dealer, and a husband brandishing both a weapon and a vendetta make up the welcome wagon. Set amidst the as-yet-unopened boxes and the hopes for a fresh start of...
  • The Red Ball

    The Red Ball (2009)

    drama, kratki

  • The Summoning

    The Summoning (2009)

    kratki, horor

    A woman summons a spirit that she cannot control.
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