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Filmovi na, stranica 142

  • Našli smo 3665 rezultata.
  • Žanr: kratki
  • My Friend Marjorie

    My Friend Marjorie (2006)

    animirani, kratki

  • Night of the Hell Hamsters

    Night of the Hell Hamsters (2006)

    kratki, komedija, horor

    Jedne mračne i olujne noći, mlada bejbisiterka Julie i njen dečko, zezaju se okultnim i prizivaju demona. Demon zaposedne kućne hrčke, pa Julie i Karl moraju da se bore za svoje živote, protiv malih...
  • Oblaka

    Oblaka (2006)

    kratki, dokumentarni

  • One Person/Lucy

    One Person/Lucy (2006)


  • Peiru Kokun

    Peiru Kokun (2006)

    animirani, kratki, znanstvena fantastika

    Svet beskrajnih ruševina, svet u kojem je došlo do prekida istorije. Okeani i kontinenti, kojih više nema, postoje samo u arhivama izgubljenim u ruševinama. Ura radi u odeljenju za iskopavanje...
  • Phone!

    Phone! (2006)

    kratki, glazba

    A visual composition, constructed and performed live by Mr. Paul Marchand, during a performance by composer, Dan Graziani and his orchestra. Voyeuristic images and sounds are inspired the by the...
  • Príbeh zeny

    Príbeh zeny (2006)


  • Roads of Kiarostami

    Roads of Kiarostami (2006)

    kratki, dokumentarni

    Niz izrazito kontrastnih crno-bijelih Kiarostamijevih fotografija i snimki krajolika prožetih poetskim opservacijama i glazbom...
  • Roving Mars

    Roving Mars (2006)

    kratki, dokumentarni

    A pair of uncrewed vehicles transmit images from Mars.
  • Skepsi tis imeras

    Skepsi tis imeras (2006)

    drama, kratki

    An apartment building in Athens. A frustrated young mother; A pissed off student; A strange young man with an unusual obsession for dolls. Moments in a single day, which end up changing nothing at...
  • Solace

    Solace (2006)

    drama, kratki, triler

    In a desperate attempt to comfort her own life, a mother sends her troubled son Gunther to a mental hospital for Electro-convulsive therapy (ECT). Once admitted, Gunther meets a doctor whose...
  • Soldats

    Soldats (2006)

    drama, kratki, ratni

    Godfried chases Laurier during an intense WWII encounter. Both wounded and lost, they develop a quiet relationship. As Godfried's wound is far worse than Laurier's, the French Canadian soldier takes...
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