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Filmovi na, stranica 71

  • Našli smo 3665 rezultata.
  • Žanr: kratki
  • Marvel Zombies vs. Army of Darkness

    Marvel Zombies vs. Army of Darkness (2013)

    kratki, akcija, horor

    Piter Parker i njegova devojka Gven Stejsi suočavaju se s predstojećom zombi apokalipsom. Pri tom, Pitar mora da zaštiti i misterioznu torbu...
  • Milk Run (or What's Inside Benjamin's Briefcase)

    Milk Run (or What's Inside Benjamin's Briefcase) (2013)

    kratki, komedija

    Bemdžamin je povučen čovek koji trpi kritike ali kada bude poslat da kupi nemasno mleko on uzima nešto iz očevog kofera i kreće u avanturu...
  • Modern Warfare: Sunrise

    Modern Warfare: Sunrise (2013)

    kratki, akcija

    Kapetan Price i John "Soap" Mactavish poslani su na tajnu misiju u Rusiju da tajanstvenog teroristu, Alexandera Petrovica uhvate živog ili mrtvog.
  • Mum

    Mum (2013)

    drama, kratki, ljubavni

    In the midst of dealing with the repercussion of a recent accident, newly introverted William comes in contact with the very spark that may just allow him to overcome.
  • Mysteries of the Unseen World

    Mysteries of the Unseen World (2013)

    kratki, dokumentarni

    MYSTERIES OF THE UNSEEN WORLD transports audiences to places on this planet that they have never been before, to see things that are beyond their normal vision, yet literally right in front of their...
  • Naken

    Naken (2013)

    drama, kratki, ljubavni

    'Naked' is a modern-day drama set in Sweden which centers on two young men, Erik and Anthony. They share a night of passion after a party, and as ostensibly heterosexual men with girlfriends, this...
  • O umbra de nor

    O umbra de nor (2013)

    drama, kratki

    Bukurešt trpi nesnosnu vrućinu. Svećenik Forin Florescu upravo je pozvan na samrtnu postelju kako bi ženi dao posljednju pomast. Cijela obitelj okupila se u kući, ali nisu svi sretni sa svećenikom i...
  • Orbit Ever After

    Orbit Ever After (2013)

    drama, kratki, komedija, ljubavni, znanstvena fantastika

    Nigel se zaljubio. Ali kada živite u Zemljinoj orbiti, na svemirskoj lebdjelici s obitelji nesklonoj riziku više nego što možete zamisliti, nije lako slijediti srce - pogotovo kada se djevojka vaših...
  • Out of the Ordinary

    Out of the Ordinary (2013)

    animirani, kratki, komedija

    John goes through the same monotonous office routines to get his desired promotion, until unexpected events force him to open his eyes to something greater.
  • Peck Pocketed

    Peck Pocketed (2013)

    kriminalistički, kratki, komedija

    Bilbord navodi pticu na neobične postupke.
  • Pleasure

    Pleasure (2013)

    drama, kratki

    Behind the scenes of a porn shoot, they are practicing various positions. The rumour is that one of the girls is doing a double anal, an advanced routine that requires someone extremely tough. A...
  • Reel

    Reel (2013)

    drama, kratki

    It is the last day before Victor has to move to another city with his parents. So he and his best friend Robert do all the things they liked to do together so much: skateboarding, spraying, hanging...
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