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Filmovi na, stranica 76

  • Našli smo 3665 rezultata.
  • Žanr: kratki
  • Blue Hole

    Blue Hole (2012)

    kratki, fantazija, triler, horor

    A madman claims that an eerie pond, near a cabin in the woods, can bring back the dead. Inspired by a true story and a real place in New Jersey.
  • Boss

    Boss (2012)

    kratki, komedija

    Marion is late for the presentation of her office's new boss. On her way there, she will have to go through the rituals of bad timing and those of a world who has not waken up to reveal its nicest...
  • Camionero

    Camionero (2012)

    drama, kratki

    In a boarding school, Raidel is witness to the abuse suffered by his schoolmate Randy.
  • Ce n'est pas un film de cow-boys

    Ce n'est pas un film de cow-boys (2012)


    Between classes, two groups of French teenagers talk about the movie they watched on television last night: Brokeback Mountain.
  • Consentement

    Consentement (2012)

    drama, kratki, triler

    In a fancy hotel, a bell boy delivers a bottle of whiskey to a wealthy middle-aged client. The guest seduces the young man and offers him money for a sexual favor. But what started as a simple game...
  • Crabs in the Sand

    Crabs in the Sand (2012)


  • Curfew

    Curfew (2012)

    drama, kratki

    Na ivici smrti, samodestruktivni čovek koji je, nažalost, doživeo najnižu tačku u svom životu, dobija neočekivani poziv od svoje otuđene sestre da pripazi njenu ćerku dok ona ne završi neke neodložne...
  • Day Trip

    Day Trip (2012)

    drama, kratki

    A boy is depressed that he didn't get first place in a contest. An old teacher isn't very good at comforting anyone. The two of them continue practicing singing in the mountains at early winter. Then...
  • Después del Invierno

    Después del Invierno (2012)

    drama, kratki

    Moderna priča koja istražuje kako kroz tri različita karaktera u ekstremnim situacijama ljudska sposobnost uspijeva u svakoj situaciji.
  • Distance

    Distance (2012)


  • Diumenge

    Diumenge (2012)

    drama, kratki

  • Dood van een Schaduw

    Dood van een Schaduw (2012)

    drama, kratki, ljubavni, fantazija, ratni

    Zaglavljen u mračnom čistilištu između života i smrti, poginuli vojnik Nathan Rijckx skuplja sjene umrlih muškaraca i žena kako bi si otkupio drugu priliku za život. Opsjednut djevojkom koju je...
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