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Filmovi na, stranica 1409

  • Našli smo 20266 rezultata.
  • Žanr: komedija
  • Some Girls Do

    Some Girls Do (1969)

    komedija, akcija, znanstvena fantastika, avantura

    A series of unexplainable accidents befall the people and companies responsible for developing the world's first supersonic airliner (SST1). A British agent is sent to investigate and with the help...
  • Some Kind of a Nut

    Some Kind of a Nut (1969)


    In this comedy-satire on conformity, Dick Van Dyke plays a Manhattan bank teller who grows a beard when he develops a rash from a bee sting. He is promptly fired from his job while his co-workers...
  • Sora tobu yûreisen

    Sora tobu yûreisen (1969)

    animirani, komedija, avantura

    Hayato's peaceful life with his parents and his dog is brought to a dramatic, terrible end when a giant robot, said to be sent from a flying ghost ship, devastates the city, killing hundreds...
  • Spalovac mrtvol

    Spalovac mrtvol (1969)

    drama, kriminalistički, komedija, triler, horor

    Crna komedija. Radnja je smještena u srednju Europu tijekom Drugoga svjetskog rata. Poremećeni spaljivač trupala vjeruje da kremacija ublažava sve patnje i odluči spasiti svijet... Snimljeno prema...
  • Support Your Local Sheriff!

    Support Your Local Sheriff! (1969)

    komedija, akcija, ljubavni, western

    Vestern/komedija. Stranac Jason McCullough (J. Garner) dolazi u gradić kopača zlata i odmah se susreće s anarhijom: zloglasni revolveraš Joe Danby (B. Dern) hladnokrvno ubije čovjeka u salunu...
  • Svetáci

    Svetáci (1969)


    Tri zidara sa sela (debeli, visoki i niski) rade u Pragu. Imaju dobru plaću i žele postati dio glamuroznog svijeta skupih kava i profinjenih dama, pa zato unajme staromodnog džentlmena da ih nauči...
  • Sweet Charity

    Sweet Charity (1969)

    drama, komedija, ljubavni, glazba, glazbeni

    Taxi dancer Charity continues to have Faith in the human race despite apparently endless disappointments at its hands, and Hope that she will finally meet the nice young man to romance her away from...
  • Take a Girl Like You

    Take a Girl Like You (1969)

    drama, komedija, ljubavni

    Young Jenny heads to the South of England to start a new career as a school teacher. Even before she has had a chance to settle in she meets Patrick, one of the local "lads". Within a short time she...
  • Take the Money and Run

    Take the Money and Run (1969)

    kriminalistički, komedija

    Smotani Virgil Starkwell bez glazbenog talenta završava u bandi i završava u zatvoru. Nakon bijega, s djevojkom Louise odlazi u drugu državu u potrazi za normalnim poslom, ali ga i ondje sustiže...
  • The April Fools

    The April Fools (1969)

    drama, komedija, ljubavni

    In New York, the newly-promoted in the Street Broker Howard Brubaker is invited by his boss Ted Gunther to come to his fancy apartment. However, there is a party and the clumsy Howard feels...
  • The Assassination Bureau

    The Assassination Bureau (1969)

    kriminalistički, komedija, akcija, triler, avantura

    The Assassination Bureau Limited (sh. Biro za atentate d.o.o.) je britanska akcijsko-pustolovna filmska komedija snimljena 1969. godine u režiji Basila Deardena. Predstavlja adaptaciju istoimenog...
  • The Bed Sitting Room

    The Bed Sitting Room (1969)

    komedija, znanstvena fantastika

    Pune četiri godine nakon Trećeg svjetskog rata, nuklearne apokalipse koja je trajala točno 2 minute i 28 sekundi, a koja se zbila usred pregovora britanskog premijera i Mao Ce Tunga, razrušena i...

