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Filmovi na, stranica 193

  • Našli smo 13622 rezultata.
  • Žanr: triler
  • Blood, Sweat, and Lies

    Blood, Sweat, and Lies (2018)


    A recent gym junkie's new personal trainer starts to take their relationship to dangerous levels.
  • Bloodline

    Bloodline (2018)

    triler, horor

    Evan je mladi čovjek koji je upravo postao otac. On je sklon nasilnim tendencijama, ali također cijeni obitelj i obiteljske vrijednosti iznad svega, i svatko tko će stati između njega, njegove žene i...
  • Blue Iguana

    Blue Iguana (2018)

    komedija, akcija, ljubavni, triler

    Eddie (Rockwell) in Paul (Schwartz) sta prijatelja v Londonu, ki brez kakršnih koli resnih posledic počneta neverjetne oslarije. Ob duhovitih dovtipih, orožju in nasmehu se izvlečeta iz vsake zagate...
  • Boarding School

    Boarding School (2018)

    misterij, triler, horor

    Mladić fasciniran ličnošću svoje mrtve bake poslat je u izolovani internat kojeg vode misteriozni direktor i njegova supruga …
  • Body Keepers

    Body Keepers (2018)


    A Nederland, Colorado teen goes missing. In class the next day, a group of mismatched kids get into an argument about her whereabouts and are put on a team for a festival event. They decide to break...
  • Boogeyman Pop

    Boogeyman Pop (2018)

    triler, horor

    A bat-wielding, masked killer in a rusted-out black Cadillac weaves in and out of three interlocking stories awash in sex, drugs, punk rock, black magic, and broken homes.
  • Börü

    Börü (2018)

    akcija, triler, ratni

    Picking up from the explosive cliffhanger of the sixth episode of the miniseries, the film follows the harrowing coup attempt night of July 15th, and the Police Special Operations and Special Forces...
  • Bottle Girl

    Bottle Girl (2018)


    When Zoe's sister, Rachel, ends up dead from an apparent suicide, Zoe takes it upon herself to find out the truth. Through Rachel's diary Zoe is able to follow a trail to a world of nightclubs and...
  • Braid

    Braid (2018)

    misterij, triler, horor

    Two wanted women decide to rob their wealthy psychotic friend who lives in the fantasy world they created as children; to take the money they have to take part in a deadly perverse game of make...
  • Breaking In

    Breaking In (2018)


    Žena nastoji da spase svoju porodicu, usled provale u kuću u kojoj žive.
  • Breaking Point

    Breaking Point (2018)

    drama, kriminalistički, akcija, triler

    A prominent Alderman known for his urban revitalization efforts is murdered; Olinsky receives an ultimatum from Woods.
  • Broken Star

    Broken Star (2018)


    Abandoned by her friends and family and with her career in jeopardy, starlet Markey Marlowe is sequestered in a duplex with a reclusive landlord who just may be more dangerous than she is.
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