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Filmovi na, stranica 493

  • Našli smo 13655 rezultata.
  • Žanr: triler
  • Limitless

    Limitless (2011)

    misterij, znanstvena fantastika, triler

    Bradleey Cooper glumi stereotipnog pisca čiji se život mijenja u trenutku kad počne konzumirati tajnu supstancu. Ona oslobađa sve potencijale njegovog mozga, dajući mu nevjerojatne sposobnosti. Život...
  • Lo mejor de Eva

    Lo mejor de Eva (2011)


    Eva, mlada i perspektivna sutkinja, godinama je već predana isključivo svom poslu. Duboko veruje u pravdu i nije spremna da pravi kompromise po tom pitanju, po bilo koju cenu. Jednog dana dobija da...
  • Locke & Key

    Locke & Key (2011)

    drama, triler, avantura, horor

    Avanture troje tinejdžera koji postaju naslednici dvorca u Novoj Engleskoj, koji je, ujedno, i mesto koje krije brojne tajne i magiju...
  • Madison County

    Madison County (2011)

    misterij, triler, horor

    A group of college kids travel to a small, mountain town called Madison County to interview the author of a tell-all book on the accounts of several grisly murders that happened there. But when the...
  • Margin Call

    Margin Call (2011)

    biografski, drama, povijesni, triler

    Mladi matematičar Peter Sullivan (Z. Quinto) službenik je velike banke na Manhattanu, koji s kolegom Sethom Bregmanom (P. Badgley) kontrolira financijske transakcije banke. Kad mu jednog dana upravo...
  • Marianne

    Marianne (2011)

    drama, fantazija, triler, horor

    The life of Krister has become an unending nightmare, ever since his wife's death. There seems to be no respite for this man, tormented by the errors of his past and held prisoner by a grim daily...
  • Martha Marcy May Marlene

    Martha Marcy May Marlene (2011)

    drama, misterij, triler

    Ovaj film moćan je psihološki triler u kojem Elizabeth Olsen glumi Marthu, mladu ženu koja se iznenada našla u situaciji da započne život iznova nakon bijega iz kulta, seoske zajednice koju predvodi...
  • Marudukku sukuranburu: Nenshou

    Marudukku sukuranburu: Nenshou (2011)

    animirani, znanstvena fantastika, triler

    Rescued from the deadly assault on their headquarters, Rune Balot finds temporary shelter in paradise a high-tech laboratory where the scramble 09 protocol originated
  • Masks

    Masks (2011)

    misterij, triler, horor

    In the 70s Matteusz Gdula invented an acting method that was supposed to make every actor "shine". Still, lots of his students die mysteriously and Gdula commits suicide. His method gets banned. Now...
  • Megan Is Missing

    Megan Is Missing (2011)

    drama, kriminalistički, triler, horor

    Megan Stewart, 14, and her best friend Amy Herman, 13, though opposites in personality, are best friends. Megan carries the front of being the most popular girl in school, but this masks a lifestyle...
  • Meng you 3D

    Meng you 3D (2011)

    misterij, triler

    Yi has never imagined a revolving dream haunting her every night would evolve into to a nightmare in real life. Shortly after a dream man enters her gloomy life, Yi is set back again by a past broken...
  • Metal Tornado

    Metal Tornado (2011)

    znanstvena fantastika, triler

    Znanstveni eksperiment iskorištavanja sunčeve energije pođe po zlu, nastaje golemi magnetski tornado koji uništava sve na svom putu.
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