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Filmovi na, stranica 355

  • Našli smo 4391 rezultata.
  • Žanr: dokumentarni
  • Urzad

    Urzad (1966)

    drama, kratki, dokumentarni

    The insane government bureaucracy at a state pension window.
  • Entretien sur Pascal

    Entretien sur Pascal (1965)

    kratki, dokumentarni

  • Obyknovennyy fashizm

    Obyknovennyy fashizm (1965)

    povijesni, dokumentarni, ratni

    A documentary about the rise and fall of fascism and the effects of Nazism on German society.
  • Primitive London

    Primitive London (1965)


    Exploitation film documentary on 'Swinging London' as it actually happened. Arnold Louis Miller, the director of 'Nudist Memories', interviews mods, rockers and beatniks. Wife Swapping, an overworked...
  • The War Game

    The War Game (1965)

    drama, dokumentarni, ratni

    The War Game je britanski televizijski igrano-dokumentarni film iz 1965. godine na temu nuklearnog rata. Scenarist i režiser Peter Watkins je u njemu nastojao na što vjerodostojniji način pokazati...
  • Tôkyô orinpikku

    Tôkyô orinpikku (1965)

    dokumentarni, sportski

    Ichikawa's cameras follow the 1964 Summer Olympics from opening to closing ceremonies. Sometimes he focuses on spectators, as athletes pass in a blur; sometimes he isolates a competitor; other times...
  • Yunbogi no nikki

    Yunbogi no nikki (1965)

    kratki, dokumentarni

    Yunbogi je dijete koje živi u sirotinjskoj četvrti na periferiji Taegu u Južnoj Koreji. Napušten od strane majke, mora se brinuti za svoje dvije sestre i brata, radeći niz malih poslova zbog...
  • Blind kind

    Blind kind (1964)

    kratki, dokumentarni

    Documentary about blind children.
  • Bosphore

    Bosphore (1964)

    kratki, dokumentarni

    A short film, forming part of a series of shorts looking at Turkey. This film takes in Istanbul; a city divided by the Bosphorus river and the effect this has on the culture and history of Turkey...
  • Istanbul

    Istanbul (1964)

    kratki, dokumentarni

    The modern city of Byzance with its three cities united as one by the Bosphorus river and Galata bridge.
  • Konkurs

    Konkurs (1964)

    glazba, dokumentarni

    Dokumentarno-glazbeni film od dvije kratke priče. Mladi glazbenici iz suparničkih orkestara limene glazbe izostanu s važnog koncerta zbog motoutrka. U drugoj priči mlada pedikerka odlazi ranije s...
  • La corne d'or

    La corne d'or (1964)

    kratki, dokumentarni

    The Golden Horn in Istanbul with its Sultanate palaces lends itself for reflection upon the public and private aspects of Istanbul society.
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