Border River


ljubavni, western (1954)

Border River

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Border River


Granična rijeka




ljubavni, western


80 min


George Sherman


William Sackheim
, Louis Stevens

Glavne uloge:

Pedro Armendáriz
  >  Gen. Calleja
Yvonne De Carlo
  >  Carmelita Carias
Emile Avery
  >  Mexican Soldier
Salvador Baguez
  >  Gen. Robles
Joe Bassett
  >  Stanton
Alfonso Bedoya
  >  Capt. Vargas
Fred Beir
  >  Tom Doud
Ray Beltram
  >  Barfly
Lane Chandler
  >  Anderson
Nacho Galindo
  >  Lopez
Martin Garralaga
  >  Guzman
Renate Hoy
  >  Annina Strasser
George J. Lewis
  >  Sanchez
Joel McCrea
  >  Clete Mattson
Howard Petrie
  >  Newlund
Ivan Triesault
  >  Baron Von Hollden
Felipe Turich
  >  Pablo
George D. Wallace
  >  Fletcher


Vestern. Konfederacijski časnik (J. McCrea) sa svojim ljudima pokušava stići do Meksika i kupiti oružje za nastavak rata. Suprotna strana odlučna je da ih zaustavi u tome...
  • Slično za pogledati
  • Komentari
  • The Lone Hand

    The Lone Hand (1953)


    Zachary Hallock (J. McCrea) i njegov sin Joshua (J. Hunt) doselili su se na farmu u blizini gradića Timberland kojim divljaju odmetnici i maltretiraju stanovnike. Trgovci i rančeri udružili su se da...
  • Cattle Empire

    Cattle Empire (1958)


    After serving a five year prison sentence for allowing his men to destroy a town in a drunken spree, a trail boss is hired by the same town's leading citizen to drive their cattle to Fort Clemson...
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  • Raw Edge

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