Der Busenfreund


dokumentarni (1997)

Der Busenfreund

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Der Busenfreund


Der Busenfreund






60 min


Ulrich Seidl


Ulrich Seidl

Glavne uloge:

Rene Rupnik
  >  Himself (as René Rupnik)


Main character of this movie is Rene Rupnik, a former math teacher. He is forty years old and lives together with his mother in a desolate block of flats. Ever since his early youth women with big breasts have fascinated him, because they symbolise a kind of earth mother to him. He has never had an especially close relationship with his own mother; she was too 'bony' for him. Object of Rene's fantasy is the actress Senta Berger, to him everything a woman should be. Standing by the blackboard and explaining the mathematical laws of sine and cosine ('sinus' is bosom in Latin), Rene sings the praises of the female curves and those of Santa Berger in particular. Filmmaker Ulrich Seidl let the former teacher speak freely about his obsessions and desires, intercutting his monologues with scenes from the protagonist's day-to-day life.
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  • Kneginja
    The Legend Of
    22.06.2013. 00:45


                         Der Busenfreund (1997)

                                          * The Bosom Friend *


    Režija: Ulrich Seidl
    Scenarij: Ulrich Seidl
    Žanr: Dokumentarni
    Država: Austrija
    Jezik: Njemački
    Trajanje: 60 min


    Rene Rupnik  ...  Himself



    Četrdesetogodišnji Rene Rupnik, bivši učitelj matematike živi u stanu sa svojom majkom.
    Rene je od rane mladosti fasciniran ženama sa velikim grudima što po njemu simbolizira
    neku vrstu "zemaljske majke".
    Sa majkom nikada nije imao posebno blizak odnos jer je previše koščata za njega.
    Njegov objekt fantazije je glumica Senta Berger koja je u njegovim očima sve ono
    što žena mora biti. Godinama je gledao njene filmove  uvijek iznova i proučavao krivulje
    njenih grudi kroz matematičke procese.

    Prevod je uradio a.žižak

