Eid milad LailaPogledaj trailer!


drama (2008)

Eid milad Laila

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Eid milad Laila


Eid milad Laila






71 min


Rashid Masharawi


Rashid Masharawi

Glavne uloge:

Ahmad Abu Sal'oum
  >  Second Taxi Driver
Mohammad Bakri
  >  Abu Laila
Areen Omari
  >  Um Laila
Walid Abed Elsalam
  >  Director of Ministry of Justice
Saleh Bakri
  >  Former Prisoner
Yahya Barakat
  >  Cake Seller
Ismael El Habbash
  >  Woman's Husband
Nour Zoubi
  >  Laila
Mahmoud El Cheikh
  >  Passenger to the Factory Zone
Khaled Al Masou
  >  Employee of the Ministry of Justice
Marwan Awadd
  >  Armed Man
Mahmoud Awadd
  >  The Mechanic
Badran Bedarin
  >  The Mechanic's Son
Housam Abu Aishe
  >  Gas Station Employee
Najah Abu El Heija
  >  Crying Widow
Fadi El Ghoul
  >  The Injured Man
Valantina Abu Aq'ssah
  >  Woman in the Queue
Rawan Ao'de
  >  Student Couple


Abu Laila used to be a judge, but because the government doesn't have the means to renew his assignment he is forced to be a taxi driver. On the day his daughter Laila becomes seven years old his wife insists that he'll be at home...
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