My Daughter Must Live


kriminalistički, misterij, triler (2014)

My Daughter Must Live

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My Daughter Must Live


My Daughter Must Live




kriminalistički, misterij, triler


90 min


John L'Ecuyer


Al Kratina
, Ronald Weir

Glavne uloge:

Rachael Crawford
  >  Dr. Glass
Boyd Banks
  >  Server
Robin Brûlé
  >  Elly
Joelle Carter
  >  Ragen O'Malley
Sergio Di Zio
  >  Dan
Paul Popowich
  >  Hugh O'Malley
Rachel Wilson
  >  Amelia
Maurice Dean Wint
  >  Wagner
David Richmond-Peck
  >  Colin
Tre Armstrong
  >  Santana
Madeleine Martin
  >  Katie O'Malley
James Preston Rogers
  >  Lukas
Kyle Mac
  >  Trevor
Miles Carney
  >  Dancer
Eva Paris Cicinyte
  >  Charlize


When seeking a liver donor for her daughter, Meghan O'Mailley learns her husband is not the girl's biological father. Meghan must risk her marriage, and then her life, to track down the man who got her pregnant sixteen years ago and then fled town after crossing a dangerous businessman.
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