Night Editor


drama, kriminalistički, film noir (1946)

Night Editor

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Night Editor


Night Editor




drama, kriminalistički, film noir


68 min


Henry Levin


Hal Burdick
, Scott Littleton
, Harold Jacob Smith

Glavne uloge:

Charles D. Brown
  >  Crane Stewart
Paul E. Burns
  >  Police Lt. Ole Strom
Janis Carter
  >  Jill Merrill
Jeff Donnell
  >  Martha Cochrane
William Gargan
  >  Police Lt. Tony Cochrane
Coulter Irwin
  >  Johnny
Robert Kellard
  >  Doc Cochrane (as Robert Stevens)
Harry Shannon
  >  Police Capt. Lawrence
Frank Wilcox
  >  Douglas Loring


"Night Editor" was based on the already existing radio program in which a newspaper editor would recount the 'inside story' of some bit newspaper story, and later became a television series: This time, a night editor of a newspaper is telling a story to a young reporter, who is neglecting his job and wife and beginning to drink too much. The story begins as a police detective, although devoted to his wife and young son, has entered into an affair with a society girl, also married, and while they are parked out in the boonies on a lonely road, they witness a murder. The detective, because of the circumstances of being where he is for the reason he is there, does not attempt to catch the killer and does not report the crime. He is later assigned the case and soon realizes that an innocent man is about to take the blame, and the only way he can clear him is to arrest the killer and become a witness against him. The story-teller also has a vested interest in the old case.
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  • Kneginja
    The Legend Of
    03.12.2012. 07:26

                                   Night Editor (1946) 



    Režija: Henry Levin
    Harold Jacob Smith,
    prema priči Scotta Littletona

    Žanr: Film-Noir, Krimi, Drama
    Jezik: Engleski
    Država: USA
    Trajanje: 68 min

    William Gargan ... Tony Cochrane
    Janis Carter ... Jill Merrill
    Jeff Donnell ... Martha Cochrane
    Coulter Irwin ... Johnny
    Charles D. Brown ... Crane Stewart
    Paul E. Burns ... Ole Strom
    Harry Shannon ... Capt. Lawrence
    Frank Wilcox ... Douglas Loring
    Robert Kellard ... 'Doc' Cochrane (as Robert Stevens)


    Film 'Night Editor' je baziran na radio emisiji, koju su kasnije adaptirali
    i za televiziju, u kojoj radijski urednik priča priču iz časopisa.


    Crane Stewart (Charles D. Brown), urednik New York Star časopisa,
    dok igra poker sa svojim prijateljima, priča priču o policajcu koji je
    uključen u istragu ubistva.

    Policijski poručnik Tony Cochrane (William Gargan) je porodični čovjek, 
    koji vara svoju ženu sa Jill (Janis Carter) koja također vara svog muža.
    Prilikom jednog tajnog sastanka, Tony i Jill svjedoče ubistvu, ali zbog
    okolnosti u kojima se je našao sa Jill, Tony ne prijavi zločin i ne trudi se
    uhvatiti ubojicu. Uskoro Toniju dodijele taj slučaj ubistva...

    prevod je uradio Gaca62


