State of Mind: The Psychology of Control


dokumentarni (2013)

State of Mind: The Psychology of Control

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State of Mind: The Psychology of Control






110 min


James Lane


Matthew Hart
, Richard Andrew Grove
, Kevin L. Cole

Glavne uloge:

Alex Jones
  >  Himself
Colin Ross
  >  Himself
G. Edward Griffin
  >  Himself
Eldon Taylor
  >  Himself
Charlotte Iserbyte
  >  Herself
Jon Rappoport
  >  Himself
Richard Andrew Grove
  >  Himself
Lisa Arbercheski
  >  Narrator
Craig Roberts
  >  Himself
Kurt Haskell
  >  Himself
Douglas Valentine
  >  Himself
Anthony Schaeffer
  >  Himself
Kaye Beach
  >  Herself
Bruce Levine
  >  Himself


Are we controlled? To what extent and by whom? What does it mean for humanity's future? The enormous implications of these questions deter most of us who must deal with the daily consequences of the answers. STATE OF MIND digs deeply into the sources to reveal that much of that which we believe to be truth has been deception, deliberately implanted in our consciousness to erect a "tyranny over the minds of men". From cradle to grave our parents, peers, institutions and society inform our values and behaviors. But this process has been hijacked. STATE OF MIND examines the science that has evolved over generations to keep us firmly in place and maintain the status quo so that dictators, power brokers and corporate puppeteers may profit from our ignorance and slavery. From the anvil of compulsory schooling to media and entertainment, we are kept in perpetual bondage to the ideas that shape our actions. STATE OF MIND delves into the abyss to bring to light the manipulation and shocking ...
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    The Legend Of
    14.08.2013. 22:38

                       State of Mind:

             The Psychology of Control (2013)



    Režija: James Lane
    Žanr: Dokumentarni
    Jezik: Engleski
    Država: USA
    Trajanje: 110 min

    Lisa Arbercheski  ...  Narrator
    Kaye Beach  ...  Herself
    G. Edward Griffin  ...  Himself
    Richard Andrew Grove  ...  Himself
    Kurt Haskell  ...  Himself
    Charlotte Iserbyte  ...  Herself
    Alex Jones  ...  Himself
    Bruce Levine  ...  Himself
    Jon Rappoport  ...  Himself
    Craig Roberts  ...  Himself

    Colin Ross  ...  Himself
    Anthony Schaeffer  ...  Himself
    Eldon Taylor  ...  Himself
    Douglas Valentine  ...  Himself


    Dokumentarni film 'State Of Mind: The Psychology Of Control', dolazi
    nam od autora dokumentarca 'A Noble Lie: Oklahoma City' iz 1995. godine.

    Film otkriva da mnogo toga što vjerujemo da je istina, zapravo je namjerna obmana,
    jer globalne elite sustavno implantiraju laži u našu svijest. Ovaj film razotkriva
    metode kontrole uma i otvara bezbroj pitanja kao što su: Jesmo li pod nečijom kontrolom?
    U kojoj mjeri i od koga? Što to znači za budućnost čovječanstva?

    Prevod je uradio muxmer


