The 39 Steps


kriminalistički, misterij, triler (2008)

The 39 Steps

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The 39 Steps


The 39 Steps




kriminalistički, misterij, triler


90 min


James Hawes


John Buchan
, Lizzie Mickery

Glavne uloge:

James Bryce
  >  Concierge at Club
Werner Daehn
  >  Ackerman
Steven Elder
  >  Vicar
Steven Elder
  >  Wakeham
David Gallacher
  >  Professor's Butler
David Haig
  >  Sir George Sinclair
Alex Jennings
  >  Captain Kell
Patrick Malahide
  >  Professor Fisher
Eddie Marsan
  >  Scudder
Rupert Penry-Jones
  >  Richard Hannay
Stewart Preston
  >  Waiter at Club
Peter Stark
  >  Engel
Del Synnott
  >  London Constable
Patrick Kennedy
  >  Hellory Sinclair
Roger De Courcey
  >  Ventriloquist
Lydia Leonard
  >  Victoria Sinclair


Richard Hannay, a mining engineer on holiday from the African colonies, finds London socialite life terribly dull. Yet it's more then he bargained for when secret agent, Scudder, bursts into his room and entrusts him a coded notebook with map, concerning the impending start of World War I. In no time both German agents and the British law are chasing him, ruthlessly coveting the Roman numerals code, which Hannay believes he must crack himself. Masquerading as a liberal party pundit, Richard also gets stuck with parliamentary candidate Sir George Sinclair's sister Victoria. They must survive with the secrets and decide who they can trust and how to keep it from others.
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