The DoorPogledaj trailer!


triler, horor (2013)

The Door

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The Door


The Door




triler, horor


89 min


Matthew Arnold


Matthew Arnold
, Travis Rooks

Glavne uloge:

Alison Eastwood
  >  Sophie Lacombe
Christopher Berry
  >  Tom DiMartino
Anne Dudek
  >  Ellen
Gary Grubbs
  >  CDC Director
Bryan Massey
  >  Bill Ryder
Ritchie Montgomery
  >  Sparky (Jim Taylor)
Marco St. John
  >  Prof. Norman Fisher
Dallas Roberts
  >  Charlie Crowe
Tony Schiena
  >  Robert
Billy Slaughter
  >  TV Anchor
Mariah Bonner
  >  Maggie
Angelena Swords
  >  Reporter (Gabriella London)
Han Soto
  >  Coroner
Jonathan Baron
  >  Jeff Pyatt
Mattie Liptak
  >  Preston Camfield


A radio talk show host unravels a conspiracy about encounters with mysterious beings known as The Shadow People and their role in the unexplained deaths of several hundred victims in the 1980s.
  • Slično za pogledati
  • Komentari (1)
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Za komentiranje morate biti prijavljeni!

  • Gajtana
    Junior moderator
    26.08.2013. 12:04

    Žanr: Triler
    Godina: 2013
    Država: SAD
    Trajanje: 89 minuta
    Uloge: Dallas Roberts, Alison Eastwood, Anne Dudek
    Radnja filma:
    Radio talk show raspetlja zavjeru o susretima s tajanstvenim bićima
    poznatim kao Ljudi iz sjene, i njihovu ulogu u neobjašnjivim smrtnim
    slučajevima nekoliko stotina ljudi u 1980-im.


    Prijevod napravio kolega ravnogorac86 (hvala Clap)

