The Young Guns


western (1956)

The Young Guns

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The Young Guns


The Young Guns






84 min


Albert Band


Louis Garfinkle

Glavne uloge:

Rayford Barnes
  >  Kid Cutler
Kim Charney
  >  Tommy Bawdre
Walter Coy
  >  Sheriff Jim Peyton
Watson Downs
  >  Old Poker Player
Todd Ferrell
  >  Phil
Jim Goodwin
  >  Georgie Briggs
Dabbs Greer
  >  Fred
Myron Healey
  >  Deputy Nix
Earle Hodgins
  >  Rancho
Harry Howell
  >  Rush
Chubby Johnson
  >  Rongo Jones
I. Stanford Jolley
  >  Felix Briggs
Kip King
  >  Miguel
Wright King
  >  Jonesy
Perry Lopez
  >  San Antone
Scott Marlowe
  >  Knox Cutler
Gloria Talbott
  >  Nora Bawdre
Russ Tamblyn
  >  Tully Rice


The son of a feared Wyoming gunslinger struggles with the decision of whether to follow in his dead father footsteps--as everyone assumes he will--or fight against the pressure of the people he knows--to break with the past and le...
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