7 uczuc


drama, komedija (2018)

7 uczuc

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7 uczuc


7 uczuc




drama, komedija


118 min


Marek Koterski


Marek Koterski

Glavne uloge:

Violetta Arlak
  >  Neighbor
Dorota Chotecka
  >  Historian
Andrzej Chyra
  >  Gott
Magdalena Cielecka
  >  Alek's mother
Maria Ciunelis
  >  Prawicz
Marcin Dorocinski
  >  Aldek
Katarzyna Figura
  >  Gosia
Krystyna Czubówna
  >  Narrator
Krystyna Czubówna
  >  Therapist
Michal Koterski
  >  Adas Miauczynski
Sonia Bohosiewicz
  >  Janitor
Marta Chodorowska
  >  Stepmother Ryszka
Mateusz Banasiuk
  >  Marunio
Malgorzata Bogdanska
  >  Zosia
Magdalena Berus
  >  Gruby's mother
Bogdan Biegaj
  >  Schoolboy


Fear, anger, sadness, joy, disgust, jealousy, shame. Adas Miauczynski returns to his childhood, when - like most of us - he had a big problem with naming the accompanying emotions. To improve the quality of his adult life, he decides to return to that not-as it turns out-carefree period to learn to experience the seven basic feelings. This extremely unpredictable journey to the past abounds in a series of hilarious, even comic situations, but it also carries the power of emotion and reflection.
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  • Komentari
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  • Dzien swira

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