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Filmovi na, stranica 222

  • Našli smo 2673 rezultata.
  • Žanr: biografski
  • The House of Rothschild

    The House of Rothschild (1934)

    biografski, drama, povijesni, ratni

    Američki crno-bijeli historijski film snimljen 1934. u režiji Alfreda L. Werkera. Temelji se na kazališnom komadu Rothschild G. H. Westleya, a glavni protagonist, čiji lik tumači George Arliss, je...
  • The Rise of Catherine the Great

    The Rise of Catherine the Great (1934)

    biografski, drama

    In 1745 a German princess, renamed Catherine, arrives to marry Grand Duke Peter of Russia, whom she initially likes. But his suspicious, unstable nature gradually estranges them, and Peter finds...
  • Waltzes from Vienna

    Waltzes from Vienna (1934)

    biografski, ljubavni, glazba

    Britanski crno-bijeli filmski mjuzikl snimljen 1934. u režiji Alfreda Hitchcocka. Radnja je smještena u Beč sredinom 19. vijeka i prikazuje stvaranje i prvo izvođenje znamenite kompozicije Na lijepom...
  • Queen Christina

    Queen Christina (1933)

    biografski, drama, povijesni, ljubavni

    U raskošnoj, kostimiranoj drami Greta Garbo glumi švedsku kraljicu rastrganu između dužnosti i ljubavi, ali i suprotne seksualne orijentacije. Mlada šved. kraljica Kristina, na prijestolju od...
  • The Private Life of Henry VIII.

    The Private Life of Henry VIII. (1933)

    biografski, drama, povijesni, komedija, ljubavni

    Britanski crno-bijeli historijski film snimljen 1933. u režiji Alexandera Korde. Radnja, uz dosta crnog humora, prikazuje vladavinu engleskog kralja Henryja VIII, čiji lik tumači Charles Laughton, a...
  • Rasputin and the Empress

    Rasputin and the Empress (1932)

    biografski, drama, povijesni

    Radnja filma obuhvata poslednje godine vladavine Nikolaja II i Aleksandre Fjodorovne. U to vreme princ Aleksej je bio obožavan od strane običnih ljudi, ali njegova bolest, hemofilija, opasno je...
  • Silver Dollar

    Silver Dollar (1932)

    biografski, drama

    Yates and Sarah Martin are barely getting by in a Colorado boom town grocery store. Sudden wealth leads to greater prosperity and political power. In Denver Yates buys a mansion and builds an opera...
  • Alexander Hamilton

    Alexander Hamilton (1931)

    biografski, drama, povijesni

    With the end of the Revolutionary War in 1783, General George Washington took Colonel Hamilton with him into the newly formed government. While the main disagreements in the early days was over...
  • Dreyfus

    Dreyfus (1930)

    biografski, drama, povijesni

    In late nineteenth century Alfred Dreyfus, a French army officer of Jewish heritage, is falsely accused of espionage. Found guilty of treason he is drummed out of the army and sent to prison on...
  • Ludwig der Zweite, König von Bayern

    Ludwig der Zweite, König von Bayern (1930)

    biografski, drama, povijesni

    Second of two German silents about the life of Bavarian king Ludwig II, a character who would much later also be the center of a film by Luchino Visconti.
  • Disraeli

    Disraeli (1929)

    biografski, drama, povijesni

    Biopic of the famed British Prime Minister focusing on his concern about Russia's growing interest in the Indian subcontinent and his attempts to buy the Suez Canal. He sees the Canal as the key...
  • La passion de Jeanne d'Arc

    La passion de Jeanne d'Arc (1928)

    biografski, drama, povijesni

    The sufferings of a martyr, Jeanne D'Arc (1412-1431). Jeanne appears in court where Cauchon questions her and d'Estivet spits on her. She predicts her rescue, is taken to her cell, and judges forge...
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