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Filmovi na, stranica 2731

  • Našli smo 36236 rezultata.
  • Žanr: drama
  • La passe du diable

    La passe du diable (1958)

    drama, avantura

    U ovom dokumentarcu smještenom u Afganistanu igrači zvani „tchopendoz” igraju tradicionalan sport „bouzkachi” i natječu se za naslov prvaka.
  • La spada e la croce

    La spada e la croce (1958)


    Set against the magnificent backdrop of classic Rome, "The Sword and the Cross" is the story of a notorious harlot who must choose between her lascivious lifestyle and the love and affection of her...
  • La strada lunga un anno

    La strada lunga un anno (1958)


    Unatoč tome što nema dozvolu, Emil Kozma iz izoliranoga planinskog sela u općini Zagora pokreće inicijativu za izgradnju puta do glavne ceste prema gradu. Postupno mu se pridružuju i drugi seljaci...
  • La Tour, prends garde!

    La Tour, prends garde! (1958)

    drama, avantura

    Nakon što dvoboj pođe po zlu, lutajući pustolov Henri La Tour mora spasiti vojvodinu kćer iz kandži zlog Taupina. Henri La Tour, putujući glumac, odvažan avanturista, nakon velikog podviga, kralj...
  • La venganza

    La venganza (1958)


    In rural Spain, sister of an ex con convinces him to take revenge against the local who tipped off the authorities about the man's whereabouts, which led to his subsequent arrest. Unfortunately, she...
  • Lafayette Escadrille

    Lafayette Escadrille (1958)

    drama, ljubavni, ratni

    American youth and flying ace flies for France in World War I; meets & loves a French girl & prostitute.
  • Le beau Serge

    Le beau Serge (1958)


    Psihološka drama o mladiću koji nakon povratka u rodni grad pokušava pomoći prijatelju ogrezlom u alkohol. Nakon desetak godina boležljivi student teologije François vraća se u rodni gradić u...
  • Le dos au mur

    Le dos au mur (1958)

    drama, kriminalistički

    Žak Dekre, industrijalac, saznaje da njegova supruga Glorija ima ljubavnika. Predstavljajući se kao nepoznati muškarac, Bertier, ucenjuje je. Nakon nekog vremena, Dekre odlučuje da njenog mladog...
  • Le gorille vous salue bien

    Le gorille vous salue bien (1958)

    drama, akcija

    Godine 1957. u Francuskoj, "Gorila" pruža posebne usluge i državni vrh ga angažuje da raskrinka špijunsku mrežu, koja preti da ugrozi francuske naučne tajne. Istraga ga dovodi do praga diplomate...
  • Le miroir a deux faces

    Le miroir a deux faces (1958)


    A teacher runs an ad in the newspaper to find a wife. Afraid of beautiful ladies, he weds an ugly woman. After a car accident, he meets a doctor who offers to reveal his wife's beauty.
  • Les amants

    Les amants (1958)

    drama, ljubavni

    Bored with her husband, bored with her polo-playing lover, will the middle-aged heroine go away with the young man who gave her a lift that day when her car broke down on the way back to her country...
  • Les amants de Montparnasse

    Les amants de Montparnasse (1958)

    biografski, drama

    Biographic movie about the last year of the famous Italian painter Modigliani. Modigliani, a poor painter in Paris of 1919, falls in love with a daughter from a wealthy family. Her parents are...

