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Filmovi na, stranica 2735

  • Našli smo 36223 rezultata.
  • Žanr: drama
  • The Big Country

    The Big Country (1958)

    drama, ljubavni, western

    (THE BIG COUNTRY, 1958.) Jim McKay (G. Peck) umirovljeni je pomorski kapetan i bogati brodarski magnat koji zbog skore ženidbe s privlačnom Patricijom "Pat" Terrill (C. Baker) napušta Baltimore i...
  • The Black Orchid

    The Black Orchid (1958)

    drama, ljubavni

    Rosa Bianci, lijepa udovica gangstera Tonija, optužuje sebe i svoje prohtjeve za muževe zločine koji su ga stajali glave. Zapošljava se kao aranžerka umjetnog cvijeća i ubrzo pristaje na udvaranje...
  • The Bravados

    The Bravados (1958)

    drama, western

    Prije šest mjeseci rančer Jim Douglass (G. Peck) doživio je obiteljsku tragediju kada su mu četvorica odmetnika brutalno ubili suprugu. Otada Jim neumorno traga za ubojicama pri čemu ga put dovede do...
  • The Brothers Karamazov

    The Brothers Karamazov (1958)

    drama, ljubavni

    Glasovita Brooksova filmska adaptacija romana Fjodora Dostojevskog Braća Karamazovi o međusobnim odnosima unutar bogate ruske obitelji iz 19. stoljeća.
  • The Buccaneer

    The Buccaneer (1958)

    drama, povijesni, ljubavni, avantura, ratni

    During the War of 1812 against the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland: General Andrew Jackson has only 1,200 men left to defend New Orleans when he learns that a British fleet will arrive...
  • The Camp on Blood Island

    The Camp on Blood Island (1958)

    drama, povijesni, akcija, ratni

    Deep in Malaya, as World War II is rapidly coming to an end, men, women and children, trapped by the Japanese invasion, are held captive in the Blood Island prison camp. Knowing that Yamamitsu, the...
  • The Case Against Brooklyn

    The Case Against Brooklyn (1958)

    drama, kriminalistički, film noir

    When a reporter claims that New York police are on the take letting the mob run its horse parlors at will, a shocked District Attorney Michael Norris decide to do something about it. Not knowing who...
  • The Defiant Ones

    The Defiant Ones (1958)

    drama, kriminalistički

    John „Jocker“ Jackson i Noah Cullen zatvorenici su, bijelac i crnac, čije osobno neslaganje prerasta u mržnju nakon što pobjegnu iz zatvora i ne mogu se osloboditi lanca kojim su vezani. Iako očajni...
  • The Female Animal

    The Female Animal (1958)

    drama, ljubavni, film noir

    Jaded movie star Vanessa Windsor, saved from a studio accident by handsome extra Chris Farley, pursues him, and soon he's the 'caretaker' of her beach house. Vanessa's sexy, alcoholic adult daughter...
  • The Fly

    The Fly (1958)

    drama, fantazija, znanstvena fantastika, horor

    After her husband Andre Delambre is crushed to death in a mechanical press, his wife recounts to his brother Francois Delambre and police Inspector Charas the events of the previous few months. They...
  • The Gun Runners

    The Gun Runners (1958)

    drama, kriminalistički, triler, film noir

    Remake of "To Have and Have Not" based on Hemingway short story. Plot reset to early days of Cuban revolution. A charter boat skipper gets entangled in gunrunning scheme to get money to pay off...
  • The High Cost of Loving

    The High Cost of Loving (1958)

    drama, komedija

    When he's not invited to a boardroom luncheon with the company president and his executives, during the company's merger and downsizing phase, purchasing manager Jim Fry fears he is to be laid-off.

