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Filmovi na, stranica 2799

  • Našli smo 36678 rezultata.
  • Žanr: drama
  • The Battle of the River Plate

    The Battle of the River Plate (1956)

    drama, povijesni, akcija, avantura, ratni

    Godine 1939., na samom početku Drugog svjetskog rata, njemačka ratna mornarica je naoružane trgovačke brodove angažirala za napade na savezničke pomorske snage. Zapovjedništvo britanske ratne...
  • The Black Tent

    The Black Tent (1956)

    drama, ljubavni, ratni

    Deceniju nakon završetka Drugog svjetskog rata britanski aristokrat (čiji lik tumači Donald Sinden), dolazi u Libiju doznati sudbinu brata (čiji lik tumači Anthony Steel koji je nestao za vrijeme...
  • The Boss

    The Boss (1956)

    drama, kriminalistički, film noir

    Political corruption is vividly depicted as a ruthless WWI veteran takes almost complete control of a state with the help of a crooked lawyer. The film is enhanced by John Payne's persuasive...
  • The Bottom of the Bottle

    The Bottom of the Bottle (1956)


    In the border town of Nogales, Arizona, a wealthy attorney and rancher is solicited by his escaped convict brother in aiding him to cross the border into Mexico where his wife and children are living...
  • The Brave One

    The Brave One (1956)

    drama, obiteljski

    The Brave One is a bull named Gitano (or Gypsy). A Mexican boy Michael Ray "adopts" Gitano after saving the animal's life during a storm. The friendship between bull and boy is threatened when...
  • The Catered Affair

    The Catered Affair (1956)

    drama, komedija, ljubavni

    At breakfast, Jane announces that she and Ralph are getting married the next week. All Jane and Ralph want is a small wedding with the immediate family and no reception, because Jane's parents are...
  • The Eddy Duchin Story

    The Eddy Duchin Story (1956)

    biografski, drama, ljubavni, glazba

    Biografski film/glazbeni film. Kasnih dvadesetih godina prošlog stoljeća pijanist Eddy Duchin (T. Power) stigao je iz Bostona u New York očekujući da svira s orkestrom Lea Reismana u mondenom...
  • The Extra Day

    The Extra Day (1956)

    drama, komedija

    Kad nestane posljednja scena filma, glumačka postava i niz statista moraju se okupiti kako bi je ponovo snimili, no to se pokaže iznimno mukotrpnim zadatkom.
  • The Fastest Gun Alive

    The Fastest Gun Alive (1956)

    drama, western

    George Temple koji ima tajnu prošlost revolveraša, vodi miran i pristojan život u Cross Creeku. Građani ga podržavaju u namjeri da se zauvijek odrekne oružja i zaklinju da će čuvati njegovu tajnu...
  • The Harder They Fall

    The Harder They Fall (1956)

    drama, triler, sportski, film noir

    Eddie Willis je nezaposlen športni novinar, ki ga Nick Benko najame, da bi promoviral njegovega novega boksarja, Argentinca Tora Morena. Benko se pri svojem delu poslužuje tudi nezakonitih metod, da...
  • The Intimate Stranger

    The Intimate Stranger (1956)


    A married movie studio executive's life, starts to fall apart when he is intimately stalked by a beautiful woman he claims he does not know.
  • The Killer Is Loose

    The Killer Is Loose (1956)

    drama, kriminalistički, triler, film noir

    Film noir. Poolie (W. Corey) je u zatvoru zbog pljačke banke. Prilikom uhićenja policija je slučajno ubila njegovu ženu. Iza rešetaka smišlja kako će pobjeći i osvetiti se policajcima koji su u tome...

