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Filmovi na, sortirano po IMDB ocjeni, stranica 291

  • Našli smo 5334 rezultata.
  • Žanr: misterij
  • Despite the Falling Snow

    Despite the Falling Snow (2016)

    drama, misterij, ljubavni, triler

    Tokom 1950-ih u Moskvi, komunistica Katya, špijunka koja radi za Ameriku, krade tajnu od političke zvijezde u usponu, Alexandera. Ali zadnja stvar koju je očekivala da će se desiti je to da se...
  • Detective

    Detective (2005)

    drama, kriminalistički, misterij

    "Mračan put istine" je ekranizacija posljednjeg romana velikog Arthura Haileya. Autor koji je oduševljavao naslovima poput "Aerodroma" i "Hotela", te bio jedan od utemeljitelja žanra katastrofe, ovaj...
  • Die schwarze Spinne

    Die schwarze Spinne (1983)

    misterij, horor

    This film about a black spider that symbolizes evil works well when focusing on the old 19th century story by Jeremias Gotthelf. A group of drug addicts are doing without because of a crooked dealer...
  • Doragon heddo

    Doragon heddo (2003)

    drama, misterij, znanstvena fantastika, triler

    A teenage boy wakes up and finds himself on a train. He vaguely remembers being on a class trip when something terrible happened, and he is one of the few survivors.
  • Echelon Conspiracy

    Echelon Conspiracy (2009)

    kriminalistički, misterij, akcija, triler

    Max Peterson je tehnički genij koji putuje svijetom i postavlja sigurnosne sustave na računala. Dobiva anoniman dar: mobitel koji dobiva poruke koje mu omogućuju da pobjeđuje u kazinu. Maxa uskoro...
  • EGG.

    EGG. (2005)

    misterij, znanstvena fantastika, horor

    A woman sees an egg every time she closes her eyes. One day she sees the egg start to crack and a creature hatch. She struggles to come to terms with her conditions and tries to defeat the creature.
  • El diabólico

    El diabólico (1977)

    misterij, triler, western, horor

  • El embrujo de Shanghai

    El embrujo de Shanghai (2002)

    drama, misterij

    A fourteen year old lad discovers his first love at the point of his pencil whilst drawing the portrait of a sickly but coquettish fifteen year old girl. In the neighbourhood an old freedom-fighter...
  • Endangered Species

    Endangered Species (1982)

    drama, misterij, triler

    About a retired New York cop on Vacation in America's West who is drawn into a female sheriff's investigation of a mysterious series of cattle killings.
  • Euphoria

    Euphoria (2017)

    drama, misterij, avantura

    Dve otuđene sestre, sa mnoštvom nerešenih problema, zajedno putuju Europom prema tajanstvenom odredištu.
  • Exit

    Exit (2006)

    drama, misterij, triler

    There is a thin line between money and loyalty. Thomas Skepphult runs an investment company, and is arrested for the murder of his business partner when his fingerprint is found on the murder weapon...
  • Faces in the Crowd

    Faces in the Crowd (2011)

    drama, kriminalistički, misterij, ljubavni, triler

    Nakon što je preživjela napad serijskog ubojice, glavna junakinja dobije poremećaj zbog kojega je nesposobna prepoznavati i pamtiti lica ljudi. Pokušava živjeti sa ovom vrstom "slijepila", dok joj se...
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