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Filmovi na, sortirano po IMDB ocjeni, stranica 425

  • Našli smo 5342 rezultata.
  • Žanr: misterij
  • Bad Girl Island

    Bad Girl Island (2007)

    misterij, znanstvena fantastika

    A sexy mystery about temptation and primal forces set on a mystical island in the Bermuda triangle.
  • Click

    Click (2010)

    drama, misterij, triler, horor

    Professional Photographer, Avi, and his girlfriend, Sonia, consume alcohol and celebrate with Tarun and others. While on their way home, an impaired Sonia runs over a young woman, but does not stop...
  • Dead Drop

    Dead Drop (2013)

    drama, kriminalistički, misterij, akcija, triler

    Priča o CIA operativcu koji je radio undercover kako bi sredio krug krijumčara u Meksiku. Ali njegov cover je bio razotkriven, te su ga krijumčari upucali i bacili iz aviona! Ali je on nekim čudom...
  • Flay

    Flay (2017)

    drama, misterij, fantazija, triler, horor

    Nakon smrti majke, otuđena ćerka bori se da spasi svog brata, kao i one u njenoj blizini, od zla koje se nadvilo od strane tajanstvenog bića...
  • Hall

    Hall (2020)

    misterij, triler, horor

    When a debilitating sickness spreads across a long hotel hallway, a few scattered victims fight for survival, and try to escape from the dark narrow stretch of isolated carnage.
  • Hark sei nei

    Hark sei nei (2008)

    drama, misterij, triler, horor

    Down-on-his-luck gambler Kan Au (Sam Lee) owes a big sum of money, and needs to go on a winning streak soon or the loan sharks will take the interest from his hide...
  • Mind Trap

    Mind Trap (1989)

    drama, misterij, horor

    An actress takes revenge on a murderous team of sadistic Russian spies bent on locating the mysterious dream machine her father invented.
  • Penance

    Penance (2009)

    misterij, triler, horor

    A young mother decides to become a stripper to earn some fast cash only to find her worst nightmares are about to begin.
  • The Forbidden Girl

    The Forbidden Girl (2013)

    misterij, fantazija, horor

    The son of a fundamentalist pastor becomes addicted to an irresistible witch. If he gives in to his temptation, he will be doomed to eternal life on the dark side.
  • The Mourning

    The Mourning (2015)

    drama, misterij, triler

    20 years after going MIA in Desert Storm, Aaron returns home under mysterious conditions, not having aged since his disappearance, and must reestablish relationships with loved ones before an...
  • The Seamstress

    The Seamstress (2009)

    kriminalistički, misterij, triler, horor

    The Seamstress was brought into being by the desperate curse of an innocent woman being tortured to death by a vigilante mob. Voracious for blood, the hideously-mutilated specter hunts a small group...
  • They/Them

    They/Them (2022)

    misterij, triler, horor

    Owen Whistler je direktor kampa u kome se sprovodi terapija "lečenja" LGBTQ+ tinejdžera od njihovog seksualnog i rodnog identiteta. Tokom jednonedeljne sesije u kampu, Whistler se susreće s Jordanom...
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