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Filmovi na, stranica 59

  • Našli smo 3665 rezultata.
  • Žanr: kratki
  • Cross Road

    Cross Road (2014)

    animirani, kratki

    Dva različna študenta se srečata med poskusom, da opravita sprejemne izpite.
  • Cuerdas

    Cuerdas (2014)

    drama, animirani, kratki

    Marijina školska rutina je promenjena kad u školu dođe veoma posebno dete. Uskoro, oni postaju bliski prijatelji. Kratki animirani film o nežnom prijateljstvu između dva posebna deteta. Govori o...
  • Das Phallometer

    Das Phallometer (2014)

    kratki, komedija

    The phallometric tests were used in the Czech Republic until recently in order to verify the homosexuality of asylum seekers, who reported homosexuality-based persecution in their home country as...
  • Dragons: Dawn of the Dragon Racers

    Dragons: Dawn of the Dragon Racers (2014)

    animirani, kratki, obiteljski, komedija, fantazija, avantura

    Dawn of the Dragon Racers, is a short film describing how Dragon Racing was invented. Hiccup and all his friends from the dragon academy fight about who really invented it.
  • Éden

    Éden (2014)

    drama, kratki

    Genesis 2:8. "And the Lord God planted a garden in Eden, in the east, and there he put the man whom he had formed." In this story, João and Pedro live in this garden. One of them is about to leave...
  • En El Mismo Equipo

    En El Mismo Equipo (2014)

    drama, kratki

    En El Mismo Equipo (On the Same Team, in English) is about the mixed feelings of a young rugby player. He tries to keep in the secret that he is gay, due to conformity mostly, but he struggles with...
  • Envoy

    Envoy (2014)

    kratki, akcija, znanstvena fantastika

    Dječak pronađe biće koje je u svakom smislu nevjerojatno i atipično.
  • Escapade

    Escapade (2014)

    drama, kratki

    2 boys with a troubled home situation decide to run away to Berlin
  • Exchange and Mart

    Exchange and Mart (2014)

    drama, kratki

    U konzervativnom ženskom internatu u Škotskoj postoji obilje opskurnih rituala. Odijeljenost od svijeta dječaka kod ovih tinejdžerica stvara opsesiju oko gubitka nevinosti. Čežnja djevojaka za...
  • Excursie

    Excursie (2014)

    drama, kratki

    Nakon što na vijestima objave da su izvanzemaljci sletjeli u Rumunjsku, devetogodišnji Eugen ukrade kameru iz trgovine u kojoj njegov otac radi kao čuvar te počne snimati svoju svakodnevicu, a onda...
  • Feast

    Feast (2014)

    drama, animirani, kratki, obiteljski, komedija, ljubavni

    The love life of a man as told through the meals he gives his adopted dog, Winston.
  • Force

    Force (2014)

    drama, kratki

    A manipulative manager constructs a situation in order to draw out and gain evidence of his employee's superpower.
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