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Filmovi na, stranica 84

  • Našli smo 3665 rezultata.
  • Žanr: kratki
  • The Last Signals

    The Last Signals (2012)

    biografski, drama, povijesni, kratki

    Harold Brajd, Titanikov mlađi telegrafista, sedi u njujorškom kafeu s prijateljem i kolegom, operaterom s Karpatije, samo nekoliko dana posle katastrofe i razmišlja zašto ga je sudbina poslala na taj...
  • The Legend of Mor'du

    The Legend of Mor'du (2012)

    animirani, kratki, obiteljski

    Veštica iz animiranog filma Brave (2012) čarobnom ilustracijom pripoveda priču o princu željnom moći koji je tražio čaroliju koja bi mu omogućila da preuzme kontrolu nad kraljevstvom od...
  • The Listener

    The Listener (2012)

    drama, kratki, obiteljski

    A young boy's unique ability to listen to the natural world is tested when he chooses making friends over his mystical gift.
  • The Most Beautiful Thing

    The Most Beautiful Thing (2012)

    drama, kratki, ljubavni

    Približava se matursko veče u srednjoj školi. Brendon, usamljeni srednjoškolac, razmišlja koju bi devojku mogao da pozove na matursko veče. Vreme polako prolazi, a on se ne usuđuje da pita atraktivne...
  • The Punisher: Dirty Laundry

    The Punisher: Dirty Laundry (2012)

    drama, kriminalistički, kratki, akcija

    Frank Castle, a.k.a. 'The Punisher', wakes up in a run-down neighborhood and leaves his van to do his laundry. On his way to the laundromat, he witnesses a gang led by Goldtooth assaulting a group of...
  • The Rift

    The Rift (2012)

    kratki, znanstvena fantastika, triler

    In 1982 a Russian physicist discovered something extraordinary was behind the strange radar anomalies he was recording. Something dark, which will eventually alter the path of mankind. Before he...
  • The Secret Number

    The Secret Number (2012)

    drama, kratki, znanstvena fantastika, triler

    Doktor Tomlin je psihijatar. Jedan od njegovih pacijenata je bivši profesor (profesor Ershajm), koji je ubeđen da postoji još jedan ceo broj koji se nalazi zmeđu brojeva 3. i 4. Dok se profesor...
  • Thieves

    Thieves (2012)

    kratki, znanstvena fantastika, triler

    New Detroit has been revitalized through an agency called Butterfly who's purpose is to seek out and...
  • Tweesprong

    Tweesprong (2012)

    drama, kratki

    Maxime is faced with an uncertain future when his father dies from a genetic disease. He must choose: a genetic test or a leap into the unknown.
  • Vacuity

    Vacuity (2012)

    drama, kratki, znanstvena fantastika

    Alan se budi zarobljen u vazdušnoj komori svemirske stanice, u kojoj ubrzano dolazi do dekompresije, a njegovo svemirsko odelo je pocepano. Svi njegovi pokušaji da otvori vrata između stanice i...
  • Vattnet

    Vattnet (2012)


    James leads a lonely life in a luxurious castle in which his parents run a hotel. He never goes out with friends, spends his spare time in his room and peeks at the hotel's guests out of boredom and...
  • Vessel

    Vessel (2012)

    kratki, znanstvena fantastika, triler, horor

    Vessel is the story of the passengers of Flight 298, a red-eye on its way from Boston to San Francisco. Midway through the flight the passengers encounter an otherworldly force and are subsequently...
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