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Filmovi na, stranica 203

  • Našli smo 11518 rezultata.
  • Žanr: ljubavni
  • Bird People

    Bird People (2014)

    drama, komedija, ljubavni, fantazija

    U pariškoj aerodromskoj zoni dvoje stranaca pokušava pronaći smisao svojih života: američki inženjer pod velikim profesionalnim i emocionalnim pritiskom koji odlučuje radikalno promijeniti tijek svog...
  • Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance)

    Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance) (2014)

    drama, komedija, ljubavni

    Fantastična satira show business svijeta čiji je glavni junak Riggan Thomson (Michael Keaton), glumac kojeg svi već godinama gledaju isključivo kao superjunaka Birdmana zbog specifične trash uloge...
  • Bis Gleich

    Bis Gleich (2014)

    drama, kratki, ljubavni

    Albert i Marta, obje u kasnim 70-ima, žive prekoputa u užurbanom predjelu berlinskog Mittea. Svakog dana dvoje se susjeda susreću - svaki na svome prozoru - da u 9 ujutro promatraju kako se svijet...
  • Blended

    Blended (2014)

    komedija, ljubavni

    Poslije katastrofalnog prvog spoja samohrani roditelji Lauren (Barrymore) i Jim (Sandler) složit će se samo oko jedne stvari: nikad se više ne žele vidjeti. No, kad se oboje slučajno prijave za...
  • Boy Meets Girl

    Boy Meets Girl (2014)

    drama, komedija, ljubavni

    Funny and provocative, Boy Meets Girl vividly captures the giddy excitement, sexual heat, and inherent heartache of "non-traditional" love in a small town. Ricky (Michelle Hendley) is a 21-year-old...
  • Bride for Rent

    Bride for Rent (2014)

    komedija, ljubavni

    Rocco Espiritu (Xian Lim) and Rocky Espiritu (Kim Chiu) have one thing in common: they are both in need of money, fast. On the eve of his 25th birthday and the day he is set to receive money from his...
  • Burying the Ex

    Burying the Ex (2014)

    komedija, ljubavni, horor

    Kada Max dozna da je njegova nova djevojka Evelyn jako manipulativna i opasna, on se boji prekinuti tu vezu. No umiješa se sudbina i Eveyln pogine u strašnoj nesreći. Nakon nekoliko mjeseci Max...
  • Cambio de ruta

    Cambio de ruta (2014)

    komedija, ljubavni

    Nicte is the best guide for tourists of the Riviera Maya. Her tours are filled with unparalleled adventures! She leads tourists to spectacular places where nobody dares to go; swim in the cenotes...
  • Camp Belvidere

    Camp Belvidere (2014)

    drama, kratki, ljubavni

    Camp Belvidere is a lesbian romance set in the 1950s about the coming of age of Camp Leader Rose and her forbidden encounter with Nurse Gin. It depicts the journey and evolution of a friendship into...
  • Cantinflas

    Cantinflas (2014)

    biografski, drama, komedija, ljubavni

    The untold story of Mexico's greatest and most beloved comedy film star of all time, from his humble origins on the small stage to the bright lights of Hollywood.
  • Chiisai ouchi

    Chiisai ouchi (2014)

    drama, ljubavni

    Following the death of the unmarried and childless Taki, Takeshi, a young relative of hers, discovers several pages of closely written lines in which the old lady has recorded her memories. This is...
  • Chotto kawaii aian meiden

    Chotto kawaii aian meiden (2014)

    drama, komedija, ljubavni

    A torture club within a prestigious female high school. Right after Yuzuki Muto entered school, she becomes a member of the Torture Club. The club trains students secretly to enter military and...
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