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Filmovi na, stranica 58

  • Našli smo 11511 rezultata.
  • Žanr: ljubavni
  • The Conman's Forgiveness

    The Conman's Forgiveness (2021)

    drama, komedija, ljubavni

    The kids' situation in school gets even more complicated. Armando gets close to Memo, who teaches him a valuable lesson. Ana makes new friends but gets further away from her own daughter.
  • The Deadly Mill Part 1

    The Deadly Mill Part 1 (2021)

    drama, misterij, ljubavni

    A cotton mill technician dies in a weaving machine. Su Wenli suspects the mill owner but when the owner dies after falling off a building, Doctor Liu Ruqing becomes the prime suspect.
  • The Deadly Mill Part 2

    The Deadly Mill Part 2 (2021)

    drama, misterij, ljubavni

    The owner's sister takes over the mill while Taozi is instructed to work undercover and investigate. But she finds herself in grave danger when she discovers the identity of the murderer.
  • The Enchanted Christmas Cake

    The Enchanted Christmas Cake (2021)


    Nakon nedavne bakine smrti Gwen (Erica Durance) pokušava voditi njihovu pekarnicu, vratiti božićni duh i pronaći bakin čarobni recept za gradski legendarni čarobni božićni kolač. Stoga kada vrhunski...
  • The End of the Pale Hour

    The End of the Pale Hour (2021)

    drama, ljubavni

    A young man falls in love with a woman he meets at a party, but when she leaves him, he must face some uncomfortable truths.
  • The First of May

    The First of May (2021)

    drama, povijesni, ljubavni

    Hee Tae and Myeong Hee marry each other with nothing but a couple of prayers that they wrote. Meanwhile, the year is 2021, and Hee Tae is a professor of emergency medicine. He gets a message from his...
  • The French Dispatch

    The French Dispatch (2021)

    drama, komedija, ljubavni

    Priča počinje smrću glavnog urednika, kada se redakcija okuplja kako bi odabrala tri priče koje će objaviti u komemorativnom izdanju časopisa. A one pripovijedaju o umjetniku osuđenom na doživotnu...
  • The Girl Before

    The Girl Before (2021)

    drama, ljubavni, triler

    Jane se zaljubljuje u neobičnu minimalističku kuću, ali kada otkrije da je jedna žena umrla na istom imanju tri godine ranije, počinje da se pita da li je njena sopstvena priča samo repriza devojke...
  • The Green Knight

    The Green Knight (2021)

    drama, ljubavni, fantazija, avantura

    THE GREEN KNIGHT je avantura utemeljena na bezvremenskoj legendi kralja Arthura, a govori o bezobzirnom i tvrdoglavom nećaku kralja Arthura, Gawainu, koji odlazi u potragu za divovskim zelenim...
  • The Hating Game

    The Hating Game (2021)

    komedija, ljubavni

    Lusi Haton i Džošua Templman ne mogu da smisle jedno drugo. Nije da se ne vole, niti da se s mukom podnose. Mrze se. Kad se oboje prijave za rukovodeće mesto, njihova borba za prevlast stiže do...
  • The Haunted Theatre Part 1

    The Haunted Theatre Part 1 (2021)

    drama, misterij, ljubavni

    A theatre manager complains to Su Wenli about a ghost in the theatre but Su Wenli dismisses it. Until strange things happen one after another and she is nearly killed by a falling object.
  • The Haunted Theatre Part 2

    The Haunted Theatre Part 2 (2021)

    drama, misterij, ljubavni

    The murderer turns out to be a person pretending to be a ghost. Later, Su Wenli finds out that the case is mysteriously linked to an actress's suicide twenty years ago.
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