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Filmovi na, stranica 230

  • Našli smo 13630 rezultata.
  • Žanr: triler
  • The Toybox

    The Toybox (2018)

    triler, horor

    Charles je kupio veliki kamper u nameri da krene na put sa svoja dva sina, držeći tako obećanje nedavno preminuloj ženi da će ponovo uspostaviti dobar odnos sa njima. Stariji sin Steve, njegova žena...
  • The Vanishing

    The Vanishing (2018)

    drama, kriminalistički, misterij, triler

    Film se temelji na istinitoj priči o neobjašnjenoj lokalnoj legendi poznatoj kao misterij Flannan otoka. Na nenaseljeni otok, 20 milja od škotske obale, tri svjetioničara dolaze odraditi svoju...
  • The VelociPastor

    The VelociPastor (2018)

    komedija, akcija, fantazija, znanstvena fantastika, triler, avantura, horor

    After losing his parents, a priest travels to China, where he inherits a mysterious ability that allows him to turn into a dinosaur. At first horrified by this new power, a hooker convinces him to...
  • The Wedding Guest

    The Wedding Guest (2018)


    Jay je čovjek s tajnom koji iz Britanije doputuje u Pakistan kako bi prisustvovao vjenčanju. Pritom dolazi opremljen selotejpom, sačmaricom i planom kako oteti mladenku. Usprkos njegovoj hladnoj...
  • The Witch Files

    The Witch Files (2018)

    triler, horor

    A coven of young women with incredible powers and difficult pasts discovers that they are able to make their every wish come true. Things, however, take a dangerous turn when they discover that their...
  • The Wrong Daughter

    The Wrong Daughter (2018)


    Kate and Joe have longed to be parents - when Danica, a child Kate gave up 17 years ago, appears on Facebook. Danica comes to live with them, but she's not their real child. She's an impostor.
  • The Wrong Patient

    The Wrong Patient (2018)


    Dr. Katie Jones, a successful plastic surgeon, becomes entangled in the web of a narcissist patient whose path to perfection threatens to destroy Katie and her family.
  • They Remain

    They Remain (2018)


    Dvoje naučnika koji su nekad bili u romantičnoj vezi dobiju zadatak da istraže neprirodno životinjsko ponašanje u neprijateljskom okruženju.
  • Thriller

    Thriller (2018)

    triler, horor

    Šala iz djetinjstva se vraća da proganja grupu tinejdžera iz južnog centralnog Los Angelesa kada se njihova žrtva vrati kući tokom vikenda kojim se obeležavaju srednjoškolski dani.
  • Traffik

    Traffik (2018)


    Zaljubljeni par odlazi na romantični vikend u planine, ali tamo postaju plen bandi bajkera. Sami u planini, Brea i John moraju da se spasu kako znaju i umeju, jer će članovi bande uraditi sve da...
  • Transfert

    Transfert (2018)

    drama, triler

    Mladom psihoterapeutu sve se zakomplicira kad uslijed interakcija s pacijentima isplivaju kosturi iz njegova ormara.
  • Treacherous

    Treacherous (2018)


    Annie is pulled over by police for a traffic violation while she is driving her boyfriends car. When the police discover a bloody knife in the back of the car, she has to find what is really going on...
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