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Filmovi na, stranica 41

  • Našli smo 1852 rezultata.
  • Žanr: glazba
  • Step Up All In

    Step Up All In (2014)

    drama, ljubavni, glazba

    Step Up: All In peti je nastavak najpopularnije glazbeno-filmske franšize koja je srušila sve rekorde gledanosti ovoga žanrazahvaljujući najboljim plesačima današnjice i vrhunskim koreografijama!...
  • The Barber

    The Barber (2014)

    drama, kratki, obiteljski, glazba

    Told partly through the eyes of a dementia sufferer, populated by 'ghosts' from his past, The Barber portrays a father and son at a crossroad. As Miles struggles to shave the elderly and unloving...
  • The Beat Beneath My Feet

    The Beat Beneath My Feet (2014)

    drama, obiteljski, komedija, glazba

    Tom, usamljeni tinejdžer, sanja o tome da postane rock-zvijezda, no smatra da mu planove kvari njegova bogobojazna samohrana majka Mary. Kada se zastrašujući neznanac useli u stan ispod njih te po...
  • The Gentleman's Wager

    The Gentleman's Wager (2014)

    kratki, glazba

  • The Identical

    The Identical (2014)

    drama, glazba

    Godina je 1936. i Vilijam i Helen Hemzli (Brian Geraghty, Amanda Crew) dobili su identične blizance. Ali njihova sreća je kratkog veka: kako će toj deci pružiti dobar život a siromašni su zbog Velike...
  • The Other One: The Long, Strange Trip of Bob Weir

    The Other One: The Long, Strange Trip of Bob Weir (2014)

    biografski, glazba, dokumentarni

    Dokumentarni film o životu i karijeri Boba Vira, gitaristi američke rok grupe Grateful Dead, protagonistima hipi pokreta i rokenrol stila života. Film prati Virovo bekstvo iz škole i priključivanje...
  • The Song

    The Song (2014)

    drama, ljubavni, glazba

    Aspiring singer-songwriter Jed King is struggling to catch a break and escape the long shadow of his famous father when he reluctantly agrees to a gig at a local vineyard harvest festival. Jed meets...
  • The Winding Stream

    The Winding Stream (2014)

    biografski, obiteljski, glazba, dokumentarni

    The Winding Stream is a 90-minute High Definition music history documentary-in-progress that tells the story of the American roots music dynasty, the Carters and the Cashes. Starting with the...
  • There's Always Woodstock

    There's Always Woodstock (2014)

    komedija, ljubavni, glazba

    When Neurotic, struggling songwriter, Catherine Brown's life in New York City falls apart, she is forced to confront her past when she spends the summer at her childhood home in Woodstock, New York...
  • Tim Maia

    Tim Maia (2014)

    biografski, drama, glazba

    Biopic of Brazilian singer Tim Maia, from his childhood in Rio de Janeiro until his death at age 55, including his passage by the US, where he discovers a new style of music and is arrested for theft...
  • Time Is Illmatic

    Time Is Illmatic (2014)

    biografski, povijesni, glazba, dokumentarni

    Tačno dvadeset godina od kada se reper Nas pojavio na sceni, a kako bi se obeležio ovaj jubilej, snimljen je dokumentarac „Nas: Time Is Illmatic“. U filmu se pokazuje kako se karijera repera...
  • Unutursam Fisilda

    Unutursam Fisilda (2014)

    drama, ljubavni, glazba

    An old pop singer who has Alzheimer's returns to her old house where she remembers her old days of climbing the stairs of fame and fortune while trying to deal with her older sister who holds her...
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