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Filmovi na, stranica 3789

  • Episode dated 6 June 1999

    Episode dated 6 June 1999 (1999)

    talk show

  • Erleuchtung garantiert

    Erleuchtung garantiert (1999)

    drama, komedija

    Two very different brothers get together for a temporary stay in a Japanese zen monastry. The trip from Germany to Japan brings up some unexpected quests they have to manage. Soon both really have to...
  • Erotic Escorts Exposed

    Erotic Escorts Exposed (1999)

    talk show

  • Error in Judgment

    Error in Judgment (1999)


    Psihologinja Dr. Liz Harpur (Joanna Pacula) trenutno je u braku koji je u krizi. Da bi stvar bila gora njen suprug Eric (Joe Mantegna) očajan zbog svog posla spetlja se s mladom umjetnicom Toni (Sung...
  • Est - Ouest

    Est - Ouest (1999)

    drama, povijesni, ljubavni, avantura

    U lipnju 1946. komunistički je režim u Moskvi pozvao emigrante i njihove obitelji diljem Europe izbjegle nakon Oktobarske revolucije da se vrate u SSSR kako bi zajednički obnavljali zemlju stradalu u...
  • Esther

    Esther (1999)

    biografski, drama, povijesni, kriminalistički, ljubavni

    Ahasuerus (Xerxes I), King of the Persians, whose empire now extends from India to Egypt after the defeat of the Babylonians, is holding a celebratory banquet for his people in the citadel of Susa to...
  • Esther

    Esther (1999)

    biografski, drama, povijesni, kriminalistički, ljubavni

    Ahasuerus (Xerxes I), King of the Persians, whose empire now extends from India to Egypt after the defeat of the Babylonians, is holding a celebratory banquet for his people in the citadel of Susa to...
  • Everybody Loves Sunshine

    Everybody Loves Sunshine (1999)

    drama, kriminalistički

    Two toughs from the wrong side of the tracks in Manchester, choose different paths when they are released from prison. The quiet Ray wants out of the 'gangsta' life and into the local music scene...
  • Evolution's Child

    Evolution's Child (1999)

    drama, fantazija, znanstvena fantastika

    Jabuka ne pada daleko od stabla, čak i ako padne tri tisuće godina kasnije. Pukom slučajnošću ili unaprijed određenom urotom, jedna žena biva oplođena spermom leša starog tri tisuće godina...
  • Excalibur Kid

    Excalibur Kid (1999)

    fantazija, avantura

    Based on the legend of King Arthur and his sword, Excalibur, a boy finds himself ensnared in an evil witch's plan to prevent Arthur from claiming his birthright. He and Merlin must stop her efforts...
  • Excellent Cadavers

    Excellent Cadavers (1999)

    drama, kriminalistički, triler

    Istinita priča o životu i radu poznatog talijanskog tužitelja Giovannija Falconea koji je riskirao svoju karijeru i na kraju život kako bi talijansku mafiju napokon doveo pred lice pravde...
  • eXistenZ

    eXistenZ (1999)

    akcija, znanstvena fantastika, triler, horor

    Kada se ukljucite na bio-port, ne molete razlikovati igru od stvarnosti. Jeste li zlocin pocinili vi, ili vaa lik iz igre? Jasno, rijec je o jedinstvenom svijetu jednog od najintrigantnijih redatelja...

