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Filmovi na, stranica 3816

  • Revelation

    Revelation (1999)

    drama, akcija, horor

    Otkrovenje, nastavak Apokalipse, počinje tri meseca nakon nevolje opisane u njoj. Stručnjak za protivterorizam Torod Stoun je i dalje uznemiren zbog neobjašnjivog nestanka svoje supruge i porodice...
  • Ride with the Devil

    Ride with the Devil (1999)

    drama, ljubavni, western, ratni

    Jake Roedel and Jack Bull Chiles are friends in Missouri when the Civil War starts. Women and Blacks have few rights. Jack Bull's dad is killed by Union soldiers, so the young men join the...
  • Rien sur Robert

    Rien sur Robert (1999)

    drama, komedija

    Didier never knew that a wrong film review of a film which he did not bother to watch would land him in numerous troubles.
  • Ring

    Ring (1999)


    After the mysterious death of her niece and other three teenagers on the same hour and with the symptoms of heart attack, the journalist Sun-ju decides to investigate their last moments. She...
  • Ringu 2

    Ringu 2 (1999)

    misterij, znanstvena fantastika, horor

    Premda je spasila vlastiti život i život svoga sina Yoichija (R. Otaka), televizijska novinarka Reiko (N. Matsushima) preselila se u drugi grad nastojeći zaboraviti videokazetu s ukletom djevojkom...
  • Ringu: Saishûshô

    Ringu: Saishûshô (1999)


    Asakawa is a journalist. He is witness to the strange death of a biker. Later this day, he learned that his niece Tomoko died suddenly of heart failure at the same time as the biker .So, he decide to...
  • Rites of Passage

    Rites of Passage (1999)

    drama, kriminalistički, misterij

    Pokušaj oca da sa svoja dva sina pokuša rešiti porodične probleme, biva onemogućen kada ih napadnu dva odbegla robijaša...
  • RKO 281

    RKO 281 (1999)

    biografski, drama

    Coming to Hollywood as a celebrated boy genius featuring a spectacular career arc in New York including his radio hoax War of the Worlds,
  • Road Kill

    Road Kill (1999)

    drama, kriminalistički, komedija, akcija

    Alex is the film student forced by his college professor to stop making Jackie Chan "homage" films and make "something from the heart" in order to graduate. Lars is the painting student and Alex's...
  • Rocky Marciano

    Rocky Marciano (1999)

    biografski, drama, sportski

    Jon Favreau stars in this bio-pic about the only undefeated world heavyweight champion in the history of boxing, Rocky Marciano.
  • Rogue Trader

    Rogue Trader (1999)

    drama, povijesni, kriminalistički, triler

    Nick Leeson (E. McGregor) ambiciozni je mladi zaposlenik ureda londonske banke Barings u Singaporeu, najstarije banke na svijetu, čija je klijentica i sama kraljica. Kada dobije atraktivnu pomoćnicu...
  • Romance

    Romance (1999)


    Priča o učiteljici koja nezadovoljna vezom s narcisoidnim glumcem, seksualno zadovoljenje traži na drugim mestima i načinima. Režiserka govori o potrebi žene da bude oslobođena od sputavajućeg muškog...

