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Filmovi na, stranica 4345

  • Vchera

    Vchera (1988)


    Back into 60s. While out there, in the West, they are listening to The Beatles and The Rolling Stones, the hippie movement is at its height, pupils in Bulgaria are obliged to be shingled, to wear...
  • Veerana

    Veerana (1988)

    drama, akcija, triler, horor

    After the sudden death of her dad, Sameer, and mom, Preeti, Sahila goes to live with her grandmother and cousin in Bombay. Years later, now fully matured, she returns home to Chandanagar to live with...
  • Vibes

    Vibes (1988)

    komedija, ljubavni, avantura

    Cyndi Lauper and Jeff Goldblum play two psychics hired by Peter Falk to find his long lost son in a foreign country. When they get there they discover he's really hired them to help find a hidden...
  • Vice Versa

    Vice Versa (1988)

    komedija, fantazija

    Marshall Seymour (Judge Reinhold) je izvršni dopredsjednik jedne od najluksuznijih robnih kuća u Chicagu. On je također i rastavljeni radoholičar pod stalnim stresom i otac 11-ogodišnjeg sina...
  • Vory v zakone

    Vory v zakone (1988)

    kriminalistički, triler

    Film je bio veoma popularan u Sovjetskom Savezu krajem osamdesetih godina jer govori o glavnim problemima SSSR-a uoči raspada, korupciji, cvetanju kriminala na obali Crnog mora i paralizi vlasti...
  • Vreme na nasilie

    Vreme na nasilie (1988)


    In the 17th century, a Bulgarian Christian region is selected by the Ottoman rulers to serve as an example of conversion to Islam. A Janissary who was kidnapped from the village as a boy is sent to...
  • Vroom

    Vroom (1988)

    drama, ljubavni

    Ljubavna priča - mladića i starije žene, njegovog najboljeg prijatelja i Chevroleta. Jake je romantik s vizijom. Ringe je njegov neobuzdani, divlji, najbolji prijatelj. Njihovi životi u malom gradiću...
  • Wang Jiao ka men

    Wang Jiao ka men (1988)

    drama, kriminalistički, ljubavni

    A low-level triad "big brother" has a hot-tempered "little brother" who can't keep out of trouble, and consequently is in constant need of being bailed out by his protector. The "big brother" is...
  • War Camp

    War Camp (1988)


    Gripping Vietnam War movie about mercenaries hired to rescue a few American soldiers held captive in a P.O.W camp whose plane was shot down over the Vietnam jungles, and of which, carried documents...
  • Watchers

    Watchers (1988)

    akcija, znanstvena fantastika, triler, horor

    Glavni junak ove priče je tinejdžer Trevis Kornel koji pronalazi napuštenog, neobičnog psa u kamionetu. Iste večeri počinju da se dešavaju čudne stvari, ljudi bivaju ubijeni i to na najmonstruozniji...
  • Waxwork

    Waxwork (1988)

    komedija, horor

    Četvoro mladih i bogatih tinejdžera, štono bi se reklo, kradu Bogu dane u malom i nadasve nezanimljivom gradiću. Dobrodošlu novinu u jednolične im i isprazne živote unosi otvaranje muzeja voštanih...
  • We Think the World of You

    We Think the World of You (1988)


    An aimless young man, Johnny (Gary Oldman), is sent to prison. He entrusts his beloved dog, Evie, to the care of his former lover and best friend, Frank (Sir Alan Bates). When he gets out of prison...

