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Filmovi na, stranica 4913

  • So Sad About Gloria

    So Sad About Gloria (1973)

    drama, kriminalistički, horor

    A young woman just released from a mental hospital moves back in with her family. However, she is soon troubled by disturbing visions in which she commits a series of axe murders.
  • Sovsem propashchiy

    Sovsem propashchiy (1973)


    Priča o prijateljstvu belog siromašnog dečaka i odbeglog roba negde na jugu SAD. Pobegavši od oca pijanice, Haklberi Fin sreće odbeglog roba Džima i zajedno sa njim na ručno napravljenom splavu...
  • Soylent Green

    Soylent Green (1973)

    misterij, znanstvena fantastika, triler

    Ovaj depresivni pogled na budućnost Zemlje uništene ljudskom nepažnjom i pohlepom i danas je jedan od najboljih SF filmova. Zemlja je 2022. god. prenaseljena, efekat staklenika podigao je...
  • Sssssss

    Sssssss (1973)

    znanstvena fantastika, horor

    David, a college student, is looking for a job. He is hired by Dr. Stoner as a lab assistant for his research and experiments on snakes. David also begins to fall for Stoner's young daughter...
  • Starbird and Sweet William

    Starbird and Sweet William (1973)

    avantura, western

    A plane crash survivor draws upon the sensibilities of his Native American ancestry in order to stay alive in a rugged outland.
  • Steelyard Blues

    Steelyard Blues (1973)

    kriminalistički, komedija

    A group of misfits decide to leave for a place that they can all be free. Their mode of transportation is a PBY flying boat. The only problem is that the PBY needs a lot of work and they will need...
  • Sticenik

    Sticenik (1973)

    drama, horor

    Užasnuti mladić Mihael bježi pustošnim pririječnim područjem pred tajanstvenim progoniteljem u crnom kaputu i šeširu polucilindru. Utočište pokušava pronaći u obližnjoj bolnici za mentalne bolesnike...
  • Storia di una monaca di clausura

    Storia di una monaca di clausura (1973)


    Refusing an arranged marriage, young aristocrat Carmela is sent to a convent. Her arrival intensifies the power struggle between the debauched nun Elizabeth, and the stern but evil Mother Superior...
  • Sukeban

    Sukeban (1973)

    kriminalistički, akcija, triler

  • Summer Wishes, Winter Dreams

    Summer Wishes, Winter Dreams (1973)


    Atraktivna serdovječna Rita Walden i njezin muž Harry, imućan očni kirurg, imaju kći Annu i sina Bobbyja koji živi u inozemstvu. Kad joj se majka sruši i umre za ručkom, Rita i njezina sestra posvade...
  • Sunshine

    Sunshine (1973)

    biografski, drama

    When a young woman who is living in the woods with her struggling-musician husband and her very young daughter discovers that she has terminal cancer, she begins to tape-record a journal of the time...
  • Superdad

    Superdad (1973)

    obiteljski, komedija

    Obiteljska komedija o zabrinutom ocu koji želi sve najbolje za svoju kćer, ali time izazove niz nevolja. Charlie McCready pokušava biti dobar otac, prevladati jaz generacija i biti stvarni dio...

