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Filmovi na, stranica 560

  • The Journey

    The Journey (2021)

    animirani, akcija, fantazija

    An animated tale based on the history and culture of ancient Arabia.
  • The Judge of Harbor County

    The Judge of Harbor County (2021)

    drama, western

    In 1861, in the vicinity of Helena, Texas, mysterious Marshal James Jennings delivers a unique brand of justice.
  • The Killing of Fr. Niall Molloy

    The Killing of Fr. Niall Molloy (2021)


    The story of the suspicious death of a priest in Ireland in 1985. Fr. Niall Molloy's body was found in the bedroom of his married friends, Richard the Theresa Flynn, the night after the wedding of...
  • The king of tears, Lee Bang-won

    The king of tears, Lee Bang-won (2021)

    drama, povijesni

    The King of Tears, Lee Bang-won sheds new light on leader Yi Bang-won who took the initiative to establish the Empire of Joseon during the end of the Goryeo Dynasty and early Joseon Dynasty when the...
  • The Kingdom

    The Kingdom (2021)


    A deadly plane crash draws attention to the Remnant Fellowship, a Christian-diet program-turned-church, and its infamous leader Gwen Shamblin Lara.
  • The King's Man

    The King's Man (2021)

    kriminalistički, komedija, akcija, triler, avantura

    Temeljen na stripu „The Secret Service” Marka Millara i Davea Gibbonsa, novi nastavak u franšizi KINGSMAN vodi nas na početak priče, prije radnji koje su se dogodile u nastavcima Kingsman: Tajna...
  • The Kissing Booth 3

    The Kissing Booth 3 (2021)

    komedija, ljubavni

    Elle želi maksimalno iskoristiti posljednje ljeto prije faksa. Isplanira popis ludih aktivnosti i razmišlja o tome što će s Noom i Leejem.
  • The Labyrinth

    The Labyrinth (2021)

    fantazija, horor

    A fantasy horror movie about high school students struggling to save their friends from evil spirits that are causing strange phenomena late at night at their school. Hee Min is the heir of the...
  • The Lady of Heaven

    The Lady of Heaven (2021)

    drama, povijesni, akcija

    Dve priče, razdvojene 1400 godina. Nakon što je izgubilo majku u zemlji uništenoj ratom, jedno iračko dete shvata važnost i snagu strpljenja, otkrivajući sudbinu Fatime i patnju kojoj je bila...
  • The Land of Owls

    The Land of Owls (2021)

    drama, ljubavni

    In the Catskill Mountains, a relationship retreat pushes two Brooklyn couples out of their comfort zones. Removed from city life and engaging in honest communication, they have the chance to save...
  • The Last Bus

    The Last Bus (2021)


    An old man crosses the country just using local buses.
  • The Last Cruise

    The Last Cruise (2021)

    kratki, dokumentarni

    POSLJEDNJE KRSTARENJE prati prvo veliko izbijanje zaraze virusom COVID-19 izvan Kine: na kruzeru „Diamond Princess“. Preko snimki putnika i posade promatramo pojavu klasnih podjela dok svijet...
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