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Filmovi na, stranica 5742

  • It Happened in Brooklyn

    It Happened in Brooklyn (1947)

    komedija, ljubavni, glazbeni

    Danny has been in the army for 4 years, yet all he thinks about is Brooklyn and how great it is. When he returns after the war, he soon finds that Brooklyn is not so nice after all. He is able to...
  • It Happened on Fifth Avenue

    It Happened on Fifth Avenue (1947)

    komedija, ljubavni, glazba

    A homeless New Yorker moves into a mansion and along the way he gathers friends to live in the house with him. Before he knows it, he is living with the actual home owners.
  • It's a Joke, Son!

    It's a Joke, Son! (1947)


    When the Daughters of Dixie nominate a candidate for State Senator, the local political machine run by Northerners fears its candidate will be defeated, and chooses her husband as a candidate in...
  • Ivy

    Ivy (1947)

    drama, kriminalistički, triler, film noir

    Film noir. Prelijepa, ali nemoralna engleska ljepotica Ivy Lexton (J. Fontaine) 1909. upozna starijeg, bogatog neženju Rushwortha (H. Marshall). Sve bi teklo glatko da Ivy nema i muža i ljubavnika...
  • Jassy

    Jassy (1947)

    drama, ljubavni, avantura

    In 17th century England, Jassy is believed to be a witch because she has visions of approaching disasters. When Barney Hatton, an impoverished gent whose gambling father has lost the family home...
  • Johnny O'Clock

    Johnny O'Clock (1947)

    drama, kriminalistički, triler, film noir

    New York gambling house operator Johnny O'Clock is junior partner in a posh casino with Guido Marchettis and Chuck Blayden, a crooked cop. But Blayden is trying to cut into the casino's profits and...
  • Kiss of Death

    Kiss of Death (1947)

    drama, kriminalistički, triler, film noir

    Nick Bianco (V. Mature) uhićen je u oružanoj pljački koju je s još trojicom članova bande pokušao izvesti pred sam Božić. Državni tužitelj DiAngelo (B. Donlevy) nudi mu nagodbu ako oda ostale...
  • Konyok-Gorbunok

    Konyok-Gorbunok (1947)

    animirani, obiteljski, fantazija

    Adventures of Ivan the Fool and humpbacked horse in the world of kind magical creatures and cruel people.
  • Kvinna utan ansikte

    Kvinna utan ansikte (1947)


    Ragnar and Frida married solely because she was pregnant. Later he would have a passionate side-affair with Rut. Rut's sexual feelings were highly neurotic because she had been sexually abused by her...
  • La perla

    La perla (1947)

    drama, ljubavni, avantura

    La perla (engl. The Pearl); sh. Biser) je američko-meksički igrani film snimljen 1947. u režiji Emilia Fernandeza. Temelji se na pripovjetci/romanu The Pearl američkog književnika Johna Steinbecka...
  • La taverne du poisson couronné

    La taverne du poisson couronné (1947)


    Kada napusti suprugu radi druge žene, muškarac se sukobi s puncem, koji pak svojoj kćeri odluči namjestiti drugog frajera.
  • Lady in the Lake

    Lady in the Lake (1947)

    kriminalistički, misterij, triler, film noir

    The camera shows Phillip Marlowe's view from the first-person in this adaptation of Raymond Chandler's book. The detective is hired to find a publisher's wife, who is supposed to have run off to...

