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Filmovi na, stranica 5766

  • The Spiral Staircase

    The Spiral Staircase (1946)

    drama, kriminalistički, misterij, triler, horor

    Spiralne stepenice su remek delo, majstorski izvedena ekspresionistička postavka kamere iz donjih rakursa, svetlosni izvori nasuprot gvozdenih ograda i kružnog stepeništa doprinose jezivosti koja...
  • The Strange Love of Martha Ivers

    The Strange Love of Martha Ivers (1946)

    drama, ljubavni, film noir

    Martha Ivers od djetinjstva nosi ogroman teret na duši, a za to zna jedino njen suprug Walter. Spletom nesretnih okolnosti, sa šesnaest godina postala je ubojica. Kako nitko ne bi saznao pravu...
  • The Strange Woman

    The Strange Woman (1946)

    drama, ljubavni, triler, film noir

    Polovinom devetnaestog vijeka, u vrijeme sve većeg raslojavanja Američkog društva, na istočnoj obali živi Dženi Hejgen (Hedi Lamar) djevojka sa siromašnim šansama za uspjeh u takvom okruženju...
  • The Stranger

    The Stranger (1946)

    drama, kriminalistički, misterij, triler, film noir

    Mr. Wilson je vladin istražitelj čiji je posao pronalazak nacista, a posljednji na popisu je Franz Kindler koji je navodno izmislio koncentracijske logore. Kako bi ga lakše pronašao, sklapa dogovor s...
  • The Talking Magpies

    The Talking Magpies (1946)

    animirani, kratki, obiteljski, komedija

    Dvije svrake nasele gnijezdo uz prozor sobe starca. Starac želi tišinu, ali svrake čine sve osim da budu tihe...
  • The Three Troubledoers

    The Three Troubledoers (1946)

    kratki, komedija, western

    Set in the old west, the stooges become marshals in a town with a high death rate for lawmen. The boys set out prevent a marriage between the villain Blackie and the heroine Nell, who's father...
  • The Time of Their Lives

    The Time of Their Lives (1946)

    komedija, ljubavni, fantazija, triler

    Two ghosts who were mistakenly branded as traitors during the Revolutionary War return to 20th century New England to retrieve a letter from George Washington which would prove their innocence.
  • The Time, the Place and the Girl

    The Time, the Place and the Girl (1946)

    komedija, ljubavni, glazbeni

    The stuffy manager of lovely opera singer Vicki Cassel and her uncle, a classical conductor, is determined to close down the noisy nightclub that's next door to the Cassels' home. The club's...
  • The Verdict

    The Verdict (1946)

    drama, kriminalistički, misterij, triler, film noir

    Ova noir drama, redatelja Dona Siegela, nastala je prema noveli "The Big Bow Mystery" Israela Zangwilla. Ujedino i deveti film u kojem su surađivali Sydney Greenstreet i Peter Lorre. George...
  • The Virginian

    The Virginian (1946)

    ljubavni, western

    Arriving at Medicine Bow, eastern schoolteacher Molly Woods meets two cowboys, irresponsible Steve and the "Virginian," who gets off on the wrong foot with her. To add to his troubles, the Virginian...
  • The Well Groomed Bride

    The Well Groomed Bride (1946)

    komedija, ljubavni, glazba

    A man and a woman fight over the last bottle of champagne left in San Francisco--she wants it for a wedding, and he wants to use it to christen a ship.
  • The Yearling

    The Yearling (1946)

    drama, obiteljski

    After the American Civil War, a rebel soldier and his wife become pioneer farmers in Florida. Their son Jody is 11 years old; he gets along well with his warm and affectionate pa, but his ma is...

