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Filmovi na, stranica 5777

  • Roma città aperta

    Roma città aperta (1945)

    drama, triler, ratni

    Rim, 1944. godine, posljednjih tjedana njemačke okupacije. Uz Giorgia Manfredija (M. Pagliero), jednoga od glavnih ljudi talijanskoga Pokreta otpora, važnu ulogu u Pokretu igraju i svećenik Don...
  • Salome, Where She Danced

    Salome, Where She Danced (1945)

    drama, glazba, avantura

    A famous Viennese ballerina flees Europe during the Austro-Prussian War and falls in love with an American bandit who looks like her deceased royal lover.
  • San Antonio

    San Antonio (1945)


    Clay Hardin is a San Antonio rancher who has been run off his land by cattle rustlers. There's a range war going on and Hardin is determined to get the man behind it all, Roy Stuart. Hardin has been...
  • Sanjûsangen-dô, tôshiya monogatari

    Sanjûsangen-dô, tôshiya monogatari (1945)


    Tale of martial skill set in the Edo era and completed with difficulty during the last months of WWII: the son of an archer, who killed himself after losing a contest, takes up his father's former...
  • Saratoga Trunk

    Saratoga Trunk (1945)

    drama, ljubavni, western

    On the death of her mother, the vivacious Clio Dulaine returns from Paris to her childhood home in New Orleans to seek revenge for the humiliation her mother suffered there from her father's wife's...
  • Scarlet Street

    Scarlet Street (1945)

    drama, triler, film noir

    Christopher Cross, blagajnik i slikar amater, u nesretnom braku s Adelom, zaljubi se u privlačnu Kitty. Lažući da ga voli, ona ga, uz pomoć svojeg ljubavnika Johnnyja, odluči iskoristiti pa Cross...
  • She Wouldn't Say Yes

    She Wouldn't Say Yes (1945)

    komedija, ljubavni

    Susan Lane is a gifted psychiatrist, grounded in self-control. Before returning by train to her practice in Chicago, she spends time back East with war veterans, building their self-esteem, but...
  • Son of Lassie

    Son of Lassie (1945)

    drama, obiteljski, avantura, ratni

    Laddie (Son of Lassie !) and his master are trapped in Norway during WW2 - has he inherited his mothers famous courage ?
  • Sortilèges

    Sortilèges (1945)

    drama, kriminalistički, horor

    Umjesto da radi svoj posao i pomaže putnicima izbjeći planinske mećave, zvonar zloupotrebljava svoju moć i terorizira praznovjerne seljane.
  • Spellbound

    Spellbound (1945)

    misterij, ljubavni, triler, film noir

    Psihološka drama/ triler/ film noir o mladiću koji je izgubio pamćenje, te uz pomoć psihoanalitičarke, koja je u njega zaljubljena, otkrije strašne tajne iz svoje prošlosti Dr. Constance Peterson...
  • State Fair

    State Fair (1945)

    ljubavni, glazbeni

    Farm family Frake, with discontented daughter Margy, head for the Iowa State Fair. On the first day, both Margy and brother Wayne meet attractive new flames; so does father's prize hog, Blue Boy. As...
  • Story of G.I. Joe

    Story of G.I. Joe (1945)

    biografski, drama, ratni

    Priča o američkom vojniku iz Drugog svetskog rata, ispričana onako kako ju je video ratni dopisnik, nagrađen Pulicerovom nagradom – Erni Pajl. Ubrzo nakon što je Amerika ušla u Drugi svetski rat...

