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Filmovi na, stranica 5872

  • Annie Oakley

    Annie Oakley (1935)

    biografski, drama, western

    Ohio, u drugoj polovici 19. stoljeća. Mlada Annie Oakley (B. Stanwyck) zarađuje za život ubijajući iz puške prepelice, koje potom doprema u mjesni dućan. Na jednom domjenku u Cincinnatiju vlasnik...
  • Balloon Land

    Balloon Land (1935)

    animirani, kratki, obiteljski, fantazija

    Svi stanovnici Zemlje balona, uključujući drveće i kamenje, napravljeni su od balona. Oni se nađu pod napadom zlog Čovjeka Jastučića za Igle, ali uz pomoć brzo napuhane vojske uspijevaju odbiti...
  • Barbary Coast

    Barbary Coast (1935)

    drama, ljubavni, avantura, western

    Mary Rutledge arrives from the east, finds her fiance dead, and goes to work at the roulette wheel of Louis Charnalis' Bella Donna, a rowdy gambling house in San Francisco in the 1850s. She falls in...
  • Becky Sharp

    Becky Sharp (1935)

    drama, ljubavni, ratni

    Set against the background of the Battle of Waterloo, Becky Sharp is the story of Vanity Fair by Thackeray. Becky and Amelia are girls at school together, but Becky is from a "show biz" family, or in...
  • Black Fury

    Black Fury (1935)

    drama, kriminalistički, ljubavni

    An immigrant coal miner finds himself in the middle of a bitter labor dispute between the workers and the mine owners.
  • Bonnie Scotland

    Bonnie Scotland (1935)


    Stan and Ollie stowaway to Scotland expecting to inherit the MacLaurel estate. However Stan's inheritance amounts to a set of bagpipes and a snuff box. The boys are tricked into enlisting in the army...
  • Bordertown

    Bordertown (1935)

    drama, kriminalistički

    Johnny Ramirez rises from bouncer to partner in Charlie Roark's border town casino. Charlie's wife Marie loves Johnny, but Johnny loves society woman Dale. Marie kills her husband, making it look...
  • Branded a Coward

    Branded a Coward (1935)

    drama, western

    Johnny Hume witnesses the slaughter of his family at age six. When he grows into manhood, will he be able to seek his vengeance?
  • Bride of Frankenstein

    Bride of Frankenstein (1935)

    drama, komedija, znanstvena fantastika, horor

    Ispostavlja se da su dr Frankenštajn i njegovo čudovište živi, a ne ubijeni kako se ranije verovalo. Dr Frankenštajn želi da se okane zlih eksperimenata, ali kada mu ludi naučnik, dr Pretorius...
  • Bright Lights

    Bright Lights (1935)

    misterij, komedija, glazba

    Joe and Fay Wilson are a happily married vaudeville team. But when a reporter discovers, that one of the chorus girls in the troupe is a slightly eccentric heiress, who bugs sometimes out to do...
  • Call of the Wild

    Call of the Wild (1935)

    drama, akcija, ljubavni, avantura, western

    Jack Thornton has trouble winning enough at cards for the stake he needs to get to the Alaska gold fields. His luck changes when he pays $250 for Buck, a sled dog that is part wolf to keep him from...
  • Captain Blood

    Captain Blood (1935)

    akcija, avantura

    Arrested during the Monmouth Rebellion and falsely convicted of treason, Dr. Peter Blood is banished to the West Indies and sold into slavery. In Port Royal, Jamaica the Governor's daughter Arabella...

