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Filmovi na, stranica 782

  • All In

    All In (2019)


    A gripping and relentlessly compelling story that follows 26-year-old, Keema Newell, a single mother of three who is a victim of her own circumstances. Stuck in the welfare cycle, after having her...
  • All my Loving

    All my Loving (2019)


    Film o troje rođaka u 40-tim godinama (pilotu-plejboju, neurotičnoj ženi i večitom studentu). Svako od njih želi da nešto u svom životu promeni brže neko drugi. U svom tom životnom haosu, oni traže...
  • All This Victory

    All This Victory (2019)

    drama, ratni

    Lebanon, July 2006. War is raging between Hezbollah and Israel. During a 24h ceasefire, Marwan heads out in search of his father who refused to leave his Southern village and leaves his wife Rana...
  • All You Ever Wished For

    All You Ever Wished For (2019)

    ljubavni, fantazija

    "ALL YOU EVER WISHED FOR" is a fanciful tale of romance, comedy, and Italian charm. It begins in Milan with the abduction of a young American, the son of a wealthy businessman, and a ransom demand...
  • Al-murashahat al-muthalia

    Al-murashahat al-muthalia (2019)

    drama, komedija

    Saudijsko ostvarenje koje nam predstavlja nedaće žena u rigidnom društvu. Junakinja filma je liječnica, čija će pobjeda na lokalnim izvorima izazvati buran slijed događaja.
  • Alone Together

    Alone Together (2019)

    drama, komedija

    A college freshman tries to win back his ex-girlfriend, Calamity, despite the best efforts of his lesbian roommate.
  • Along Came the Devil 2

    Along Came the Devil 2 (2019)

    triler, horor

    After receiving an unsettling voicemail, Jordan (Wiggins) returns home, looking for answers, only to find her estranged father and even more questions. A demonic force has attached itself to the town...
  • Als Hitler das rosa Kaninchen stahl

    Als Hitler das rosa Kaninchen stahl (2019)

    drama, povijesni, obiteljski

    Anna je židovska djevojčica u Njemačkoj. Kad nacisti dođu na vlast tridesetih godina, njezin otac iznenada nestane i obitelj mora napustiti zemlju, bez ijedne svoje stvari. Čak je i Anin ružičasti...
  • Alter Ego

    Alter Ego (2019)

    animirani, kratki

  • Alternate Endings: Six New Ways to Die in America

    Alternate Endings: Six New Ways to Die in America (2019)


    Godine 2018. prvi je put više Amerikanaca odabralo kremaciju ispred tradicionalnih pogreba. Ovaj film istražuje promjene u stavovima, obredima i mehanici smrti, uključujući način na koji se ona...
  • Always Be My Maybe

    Always Be My Maybe (2019)

    komedija, ljubavni

    Dvoje prijatelja iz djetinjstva zaljube se jedno u drugo kao odrasle osobe …
  • Amai osake de ugai

    Amai osake de ugai (2019)

    drama, komedija, ljubavni

    Akiko Ohku's film follows Yoshiko as she enjoys life's simple pleasures - riding her beloved bike, indulging in a drink or two in the evening - as she narrates her thoughts through a hypnotic...
Prethodna   1 2 ... 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 ... 6096 6097   Sljedeća

