The Accountant of AuschwitzPogledaj trailer!


dokumentarni (2018)

The Accountant of Auschwitz

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The Accountant of Auschwitz


The Accountant of Auschwitz






80 min


Matthew Shoychet


Ricki Gurwitz

Glavne uloge:

Alan Dershowitz
  >  Self
Edith Raim
  >  Self
Eva Mozes Kor
  >  Self
Benjamin Ferencz
  >  Self
Max Eisen
  >  Self
Eli Rosenbaum
  >  Self
Rainer Höß
  >  Self
Oskar Gröning
  >  Self
Ursula Haverbeck
  >  Self
Hans-Jürgen Brennecke
  >  Self
Hans Holtermann
  >  Self
Bill Glied
  >  Self
Hedy Bohm
  >  Self
Lawrence Douglas
  >  Self
Kirsten Goetze
  >  Self
Jens Rommel
  >  Self
Kai Feldhaus
  >  Self
Jeff Ansell
  >  Self


Seventy years after WWII, Oskar Gröning, one of the last surviving members of the SS, goes on trial as an accessory to the murder of 300,000 people at the Auschwitz concentration camp.
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