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Serije na, sortirano po IMDB ocjeni, stranica 108

  • Našli smo 1615 rezultata.
  • Žanr: dokumentarni
  • Wahl Street

    Wahl Street (2021)

    biografski, dokumentarni

    An intimate day-to-day look at how Mark Wahlberg manages his growing business ventures against his rigorous film schedule.
  • Web of Make Believe: Death, Lies and the Internet

    Web of Make Believe: Death, Lies and the Internet (2022)

    kriminalistički, dokumentarni

    Urote. Prijevare. Nasilje. Ubojstvo. Virtualne pojave vrlo brzo mogu postati vrlo stvarne... a, kada mreža pokriva čitav svijet, i posljedice mogu biti goleme.
  • Winston Churchill's War

    Winston Churchill's War (2021)


    This is a story of greatness - the story of how a man, matched to a moment in history, becomes a giant. For Winston Churchill, the war made the difference. And what a difference it made.
  • Confronting a Serial Killer

    Confronting a Serial Killer (2021)

    biografski, kriminalistički, dokumentarni

    The astonishing story of the unprecedented relationship between acclaimed author and journalist Jillian Lauren and the most prolific serial killer in American history, Sam Little.
  • Crime Scene: The Vanishing at the Cecil Hotel

    Crime Scene: The Vanishing at the Cecil Hotel (2021)

    kriminalistički, misterij, dokumentarni

    Serija bavi se slučajem Elise Lam koja je 2013. godine iznenada nestala na svom putovanju u Los Angelesu. Potpuno neobjašnjivo, bez ikakvog traga za sobom. Međutim, slučaj njezinog nestanka grana se...
  • Paxman on the Queen's Children

    Paxman on the Queen's Children (2019)

    povijesni, dokumentarni

    Two-part documentary in which Jeremy Paxman examines the lives and roles of the Queen's children - looking at their changing relationship with the British public over the past 60 years.
  • Se busca millonario

    Se busca millonario (2023)


    0ne of the most intriguing cases in recent years in Spain. The story revolves around a ticket worth almost 5 million euros that has been lost. More than 300 claimants fight for the prize, each with a...
  • The Human Mind

    The Human Mind (2009)


    Robert Vinston istražuje sve aspekte ljudskog uma - počev od toga kako učimo do toga kako smo u stanju da prepoznajemo lica i šta je to što nam dozvoljava da se povežemo sa drugim ljudima.
  • Access 360° World Heritage

    Access 360° World Heritage (2012)


    Otiđite na ekskluzivnu turneju devet mjesta UNESCO-ove Svjetske baštine i upoznajte nevidljive junake koji u pozadini štite prirodna i kulturna čuda da bi osigurali njihov opstanak kako bi u njima...
  • Becoming You

    Becoming You (2020)


    How a child's first 2,000 days shape the rest of their lives.
  • Betrayal: The Perfect Husband

    Betrayal: The Perfect Husband (2023)

    kriminalistički, dokumentarni

    Details of how a woman came to learn that her husband, high school teacher Spencer Herron, was engaging in inappropriate behavior with his teenage students as well as committing sexual assaults.
  • Nuclear Family

    Nuclear Family (2021)


    Dokumentarna serija redateljice Ry Russo-Young o tome kako su njezine majke lezbijke rađale djecu ranih 80-ih (kada banke sperme nisu bile dostupne homoseksualnim obiteljima) i kako su se suočile s...
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