War of the Century

TV serija

povijesni, dokumentarni, ratni (1999)

War of the Century

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War of the Century


War of the Century




povijesni, dokumentarni, ratni


200 min

Glavne uloge:

John Erickson
  >  Himself - Historical consultant
Stephen Walsh
  >  Himself - Historical consultant
Samuel West
  >  Himself
Samuel West
  >  Narrator
Samuel West
  >  Narrator (voice)


In 1941, Nazi Germany, seemingly near invincible in its military might despite its failure to break the UK in the Battle of Britain, makes one of its most disastrous military moves. Despite the danger of a two front war and the existence of a non-aggression pact, Hitler orders the full scale invasion of the Soviet Union. This series explores the reasons for this undertaking, its vicious nature on both sides and the general series of events of the bloodiest theater of the war that would ultimately turn the tide in the fight against the Third Reich.
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  • CSInvestigator
    10.06.2014. 23:41

       BBC War Of The Century (1999)



    dokumentarna, istorijska, ratna

    Naratori: Samuel West

    nemački, ruski, engleski

    Dokumentarna mini serija BBC televizije koja istražuje Operaciju Barbarosa, tj. Hitlerovu invaziju na Sovjetski Savez, 1941. godine.




