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Filmovi na, stranica 408

  • Al Kameen

    Al Kameen (2021)

    drama, akcija, ratni

    Kada se tri vojnika Ujedinjenih Arapskih Emirata nađu u zasedi na neprijateljskoj teritoriji, njihov komandant predvodi misiju spašavanja...
  • Alan Saldaña: Locked Up

    Alan Saldaña: Locked Up (2021)


    Meksički komičar Alan Saldaña vratio se, šali se na vlastiti račun i dijeli savjete, posebice o tome kako ostati oženjen i kako postati roditelj.
  • Albatros

    Albatros (2021)


    Život zapovjednika brigade okreće se naglavačke nakon što slučajno ubije farmera dok ga je pokušavao spriječiti da počini samoubojstvo.
  • Albträumer

    Albträumer (2021)


    17-year-old Rebekka has been feeling empty and hollow since her brother Dennis' suicide two years ago. His friend Vincent is the only one who can help her through this difficult time, but he's an...
  • Alganesh

    Alganesh (2021)


    Ovaj osjećajni dokumentarac istražuje misiju dr. Alganesh Fessah, koja želi donijeti nadu i svijetlu budućnost u mlade živote žrtava etiopsko-eritrejskog sukoba.
  • Alien Conquest

    Alien Conquest (2021)

    akcija, znanstvena fantastika

    Astronomi otkriju da Marsijanci prijete napadom na Zemlju, no nitko im ne vjeruje sve dok izvanzemaljci ne napadnu New York.
  • Alien: Battlefield Earth

    Alien: Battlefield Earth (2021)

    znanstvena fantastika

    Aliens invade Earth after the capture of two Extra-terrestrials by the American military.
  • All My Friends Are Dead

    All My Friends Are Dead (2021)


    When a girl has her friends come along with her to scatter her father's ashes at the old family farm, strange things begin to happen. A warm campfire and scary stories is only the beginning to a...
  • All My Puny Sorrows

    All My Puny Sorrows (2021)


    Based on the international best-selling novel by Miriam Toews, All My Puny Sorrows is the poignant story of two sisters-one a concert pianist obsessed with ending her life, the other, a writer, who...
  • All Those Small Things

    All Those Small Things (2021)


    Dugogodišnji britanski voditelj Jonathan Robbins propituje svoju smrtnost i naslijeđe nakon nedavne smrti bliskog prijatelja. Kada naiđe na neočekivano pismo mladog fana, uputi se u američke zabiti u...
  • Alles van Waarde

    Alles van Waarde (2021)


    In the shadow of a church two men are assaulted at night. Random violence? A gay bashing? A Filmmaker tries to uncover what really happened. Just how many issues remain undisclosed in this religious...
  • America Latina

    America Latina (2021)

    drama, triler

    Massimo Sisti je vlasnik stomatološke ordinacije. Profesionalan, ljubazan i hladnokrvan, izgleda da je postogao sve što želi. Ima vilu u mirnom kraju i porodicu koju voli i s kojom provodi dane...
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