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Filmovi na, stranica 433

  • Dancing Queens

    Dancing Queens (2021)

    drama, komedija

    Plesačica koja radi kao čistačica u drag klubu koji jedva opstaje sanja o nastupima, a njezin talent zapne za oko ambicioznom koreografu. No može li žena preuzeti ulogu drag kraljice?
  • Dang Nan Ren Lian Ai Shi

    Dang Nan Ren Lian Ai Shi (2021)

    drama, ljubavni

    Upoznavši ženu koja grca u dugovima brinući se za bolesnog oca, utjerivač dugova zlatna srca nakani zadobiti njezinu ljubav.
  • Dangerous

    Dangerous (2021)

    akcija, ljubavni, triler

    Priča o dve devojke koje imaju loše iskustvo sa muškarcima, što dovodi do toga da se strasno zaljube jedna u drugu. Koliko daleko su spremne da idu u sukobu sa muškarcima da bi zaštitile pravo na...
  • Dangerous

    Dangerous (2021)

    akcija, triler

    On je bivši sociopata koji putuje na udaljeno ostrvo da bi istražio misteriju vezanu za smrt svoga brata. Međutim, veoma brzo otkriva da se upleo u nešto o čemu nije ni sanjao...
  • Dangsin-eolgul-apeseo

    Dangsin-eolgul-apeseo (2021)


    She manages her daily life with a sense of mindfulness while keeping a grave secret to herself, and she decides to meet with a younger director who asked her to join his project, and after they meet...
  • Danny Boy

    Danny Boy (2021)


    Follows Brian Wood who is humbled when he is accused of war crimes in Iraq by the human rights lawyer Phil Shiner.
  • Dark Hole

    Dark Hole (2021)

    misterij, akcija, fantazija

    About a group of survivors who have to fight for their lives against mutants that are created when humans breathe mysterious dark smoke from a sinkhole.
  • Dark Light

    Dark Light (2021)

    drama, kriminalistički, triler

    An eccentric Interpol detective from New York who used to work for the Los Angeles Occult crime unit finds himself investigating a mysterious set of murders in Ireland. A very disturbed but beautiful...
  • Dark Web: Cicada 3301

    Dark Web: Cicada 3301 (2021)

    komedija, akcija, triler

    Follows hacker Connor, his best friend Avi and a cunning librarian who find themselves over their heads when forced to compete in a sophisticated dark web secret society's global recruitment game.
  • Das Mädchen mit den goldenen Händen

    Das Mädchen mit den goldenen Händen (2021)


    Istočna Njemačka, jesen 1999. Gudrun Pfaff netom prije 60. rođendana saznaje da se sirotište u kojem je odrasla prodaje i pretvara u hotel. Spremna je učiniti sve da to spriječi.
  • Das Mädchen und die Spinne

    Das Mädchen und die Spinne (2021)


    Lisa se iseljava. Mara je ostavljena. Procep se otvorio i sledi emocionalni rolerkoster. Ovo je tragikomični film katastrofe. Poetska balada o promeni i prolaznosti...
  • Das Schwarze Quadrat

    Das Schwarze Quadrat (2021)

    kriminalistički, komedija

    Two art thieves have stolen the famous "Black Square" of Russian painter Kasimir Malevich. They plan to meet their clients on a cruise ship to hand over the looted art. However, things are not going...
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