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Filmovi na, stranica 487

  • La santa piccola

    La santa piccola (2021)


    Mario and Lino, two best friends, live a neighborhood life. For both of them, unthinkable happens, a door opens to a new world that will lead them to different paths, even the most important thing...
  • La scuola cattolica

    La scuola cattolica (2021)


    Trojica učenika katoličke škole za dječake u Rimu 1975. godine počine zločin koji potrese njihovu školu i cijelu zajednicu. Snimljeno prema stvarnim događajima.
  • La sentencia

    La sentencia (2021)


    Tirso reveals that he was the one who sold the Entrerríos the drug they used on Alba. Mercedes decides to turn to drastic measures in order to avoid having Rubén sent to prison.
  • La Soga 2

    La Soga 2 (2021)

    drama, kriminalistički, akcija

    La Soga 2 is a suspenseful thriller and love story, where a former hitman fights to rescue the love of his life, while confronting his inner demons and violent past.
  • La Sombra

    La Sombra (2021)

    drama, avantura, horor

    Juan and Lucia are two survivors in this tough post-apocalyptic Córdoba. After years together, they both have different goals in mind, but along the way they will meet Elena. A girl who says to look...
  • La svolta

    La svolta (2021)

    drama, kriminalistički

    Zabušant koji izbjegava sukobe neočekivano se sprijatelji s opasnim kriminalcem koji mu se na silu ubaci u život.
  • La terra dei figli

    La terra dei figli (2021)

    drama, znanstvena fantastika

    Došao je kraj civilizacije. Nije poznato što je izazvalo ovu kataklizmu, ali apokalipsa je zbrisala velik dio čovječanstva i zemlja je prestala donositi plodove. Otac i njegov Sin među rijetkim su...
  • La última venganza

    La última venganza (2021)

    drama, triler

    The avenger's disguise finally comes to an end and its identity is revealed. The avenger wants to serve Gerry the justice he unwillingly admits he "deserves".
  • La Venganza de las Juanas

    La Venganza de las Juanas (2021)


    Pet žena s istim madežom krene u potragu za istinom o svojoj prošlosti i otkrije tragičnu mrežu laži koju je ispleo moćan političar.
  • La vie me va bien

    La vie me va bien (2021)


    Sredina je devedesetih. U gradiću na sjeveru Maroka, Fouad je jedini zaposlenik lokalne pošte. Kada ga pogodi neurološka bolest koja mu mijenja život, za Fouada, njegovu ženu i njihovu djecu počinje...
  • Lady Boss: The Jackie Collins Story

    Lady Boss: The Jackie Collins Story (2021)


    Directed by Laura Fairrie and produced by the Academy Award®-winning Passion Pictures, along with AGC Studios, CNN Films, BBC Arts, and John Battsek, 'LADY BOSS: The Jackie Collins Story' takes...
  • Lady of the Manor

    Lady of the Manor (2021)


    A flatulent, aimless ne'er-do-well becomes a tour guide in a historic estate, and winds up befriending the manor's resident ghost.
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