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Filmovi na, stranica 516

  • Omerta 6/12

    Omerta 6/12 (2021)

    akcija, triler

    Proslava finskog Dana nezavisnosti pada na 06.12. ali tada dolazi do iznenadnog napada na predsedničku palatu. Grupa cenjenih gostiju uzeta je za taoce. Oficir za bezbednost Max Tanner (Jasper...
  • On the Count of Three

    On the Count of Three (2021)

    drama, komedija

    Jerrod Carmichael makes his directorial debut and stars in On the Count of Three, a darkly comic feature about two best friends, Val (Carmichael) and Kevin (Christopher Abbott), on the last day of...
  • On the Fringe of Wild

    On the Fringe of Wild (2021)

    drama, ljubavni

    A 2000s "Romeo and Juliet" type romance between two teenage boys, set in a small Ontario town, where love does not win, but the surviving players grow to accept themselves as members of the LGBTQ+...
  • On the Job 2: The Missing 8

    On the Job 2: The Missing 8 (2021)

    drama, kriminalistički, akcija, triler

    Nastavak filma "On the Job" (2013) fokusiran na korupciju i cenzuru u medijima, sada kada je Duterte došao na vlast na Filipinima. Sisoy Salas, korumpirani novinar traži pravdu za svoje kolege...
  • On the Trail of UFOs: Dark Sky

    On the Trail of UFOs: Dark Sky (2021)


    Cryptid filmmaker Seth Breedlove and paranormal researcher Shannon LeGro continue their search for the truth behind the enigma of unidentified flying objects. Delving into subjects of The Mothman...
  • On the Verge

    On the Verge (2021)


    Četiri žene, kuharica, samohrana majka, nasljednica i tražiteljica posla balansiraju ljubav i posao uz dobru dozu krize srednjih godina u predpandemijskom Los Angelesu.
  • Once a Year on Blackpool Sands

    Once a Year on Blackpool Sands (2021)


    A gritty Northern LGBTQ comedy drama. Blackpool 1953. Two young gay Yorkshire miners, Eddy and Tommy, on their annual holiday there, meet transvestite James Elbridge who is summoning up the courage...
  • One Moment

    One Moment (2021)


    Middle-age siblings struggle to manage their lives while caring for their recently widowed aging father. Welcome to the "sandwich generation."
  • One Night in Paris

    One Night in Paris (2021)


    U kombinaciji skečeva i brzopoteznih nastupa u ovom specijalu komičari s francuske stand-up scene komentiraju život u pandemiji.
  • One Night Off

    One Night Off (2021)


    A 24-year-old music enthusiast Noah looks after his baby overnight for the first time.
  • One Shot

    One Shot (2021)

    akcija, triler

    U nastojanju da spreče teroristički napad na Vašington DC, elitni odred mornaričkih foka predvođen poručnikom Blejkom Harisom (Skot Adkins) i mlađom analitičarkom CIA-e Zoe Anderson (Ešli Grin), mora...
  • One Snowy Christmas

    One Snowy Christmas (2021)


    Nesretna u ljubavi, gradska odvjetnica Kelly Mitchum vraća se kući provesti Božić sa svojom obitelji. Dok sanja o savršenom muškarcu, susreće se s graditeljem Forrestom Newellom koji joj se učini da...
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