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Filmovi na, stranica 514

  • North by Current

    North by Current (2021)


    Filmmaker Angelo Madsen Minax returns to his home town after the mysterious death of his two-year-old niece and the arrest of his brother-in-law as the culprit.
  • North Hollywood

    North Hollywood (2021)

    drama, komedija, sportski

    Jedan mladić mora da odluči da li želi budućnost koju mu je odredio otac, ili da sledi svoje snove i postane profesionalni skejter...
  • Nos corps sont vos champs de bataille

    Nos corps sont vos champs de bataille (2021)


    In an Argentina torn between deep conservatism and an unprecedented feminist drive, the film delves into the political journey and the intimate lives of Claudia and Violeta, trans women trying to...
  • Nose

    Nose (2021)


    For the first time in a documentary feature, the prestigious House of Dior opened its doors to its perfume creation process. Travelers at heart, Arthur de Kersauson and Clément Beauvais followed...
  • Nosorih

    Nosorih (2021)

    drama, kriminalistički

    Ukrajina, 1990-tih. Mladi kriminalac koji ima nadimak "Nosorog" pokušava da se probije kroz ukrajinsko podzemlje i postane njegov važan faktor. Ali stvari ne idu baš onako kako je očekivao...
  • Not Alone

    Not Alone (2021)

    triler, horor

    An unsuspecting family buys a mansion for a bargain but discovers a presence in the home and must fight to save their lives.
  • Not to Forget

    Not to Forget (2021)


    After a life of little scams, a self-centered millennial is sentenced to take care of his grandmother, who is affected by Alzheimer's. As he realizes the extent of her wealth, the protagonist gets...
  • Nothing Serious

    Nothing Serious (2021)

    drama, komedija, ljubavni

    Woo-Ri je 33-godišnji samac, početnik-reporter, koji piše kolumne o seksu i mašta o tome da postane književnik. Ja-Young ima 29 godina, i takođe je sama. Nakon što ju je momak napustio, odlučila...
  • Notorious Nick

    Notorious Nick (2021)


    Nick Newell, a one-armed MMA fighter gets a rare chance to fight for the lightweight championship. He strives to win for himself and all the other people in the world with physical challenges.
  • Nou fo

    Nou fo (2021)

    kriminalistički, akcija

    Pravdoljubivi policajac Shan omiljeni je među kolegama. Ali, jednog dana, prošlost dolazi da ga proganja, jer mu najnoviji poduhvat sada ugrožava misteriozna grupa kriminalaca koju predvodi njegov...
  • Nous

    Nous (2021)


    Encounters on a rail line crossing north to south thru Paris and its outskirts: A cleaning lady, a scrap merchant, a writer, a nurse, a follower of hunts and the filmmaker herself.
  • Nr. 10

    Nr. 10 (2021)

    drama, misterij, znanstvena fantastika, triler

    Ginter je pronađen u nemačkoj šumi kao četvorogodišnjak i odrasta u hraniteljskoj porodici. Četiri decenije kasnije, on vodi normalan život: zarađuje za život kao scenski glumac, provodi vreme sa...
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